Thursday, January 1, 2015

What does Ltd stands for?

What does Ltd stands for?
Private Limited Company are on type of limited company. Thier business name ends in limited or LTD.
In a business context, it is the abbreviation for "Limited", which in turn, is a short form of "Limited Partnership". The LTD designation is intended to give others who are doing business with the entity that at least one member of the partnership is a limited, rather than a general partner.

In some countries it may be Limited Liability Liability Corporation, meaning about the same as "Inc." or "Corp." at the end of a corporate name in the U.S.

in the UK a limited company is an entity in its own rights. There are various forms of limited companies. The company's memorandum and articles spell out what liability the directors and shareholders have should anything go wrong with the company or the company is wound up and the assets need to be divided. LLP is a modern form of a company were partners come together to form a Limited Liability Partnership (Companies Act 2006 UK).This type of company/partnership is used by solicitors.

In specific contexts (such as performance of various sorts) it can also mean Life To Date. For example, "LTD, this mutual fund has achieved a 5% annualized return".

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