Sunday, January 25, 2015

What are the Advantages od a public limited company?

What are the Advantages od a public limited company?
advantage of public limited http://wiki./Q/Advantages_of_being_a_public_limited_company#The company has a legal existence separate from management and its members (the shareholders)Members' liability is limitedThe company's name is protectedIt has flexible borrowing powersThe company continues despite the death, resignation or bankruptcy of management and membersThe interests and obligations of management are definedAppointment, retirement or removal of directors is straightforwardNew shareholders and investors can be easily assimilatedEmployees can acquire sharesApproved company pension schemes usually provide better benefits than those paid under contracts with the self-employed and those in non-pensionable employmentThe level of premium that directors can pay is restricted but there is no limit on the overall contributions paid by the company for the directors, although there is a maximum benefit limit imposed by the Inland Revenue Superannuation Fund OfficeTaxation - sole traders, partners and partnerships pay income tax. Sole traders' and partners' income is taxed as the proprietors' income, regardless of how much profit is retained as working capital, and interest on loans to the business is taxed as their incomePartners are liable personally and jointly for partnership tax and if a partner dies, the surviving partners are responsible for partnership taxDirectors pay income tax and the company pays corporation tax on company profits, and with current rates of tax company profits earned and retained in the business are assessed to corporation tax at lower rates than if income tax were payable on equivalent profits earned by an unincorporated business

Read more: http://wiki./Q/Advantages_of_being_a_public_limited_company#ixzz1Xs72xil3

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