Saturday, January 3, 2015

What are the advantage of formal education?

What are the advantage of formal education?
The psychology of the formally educated being the best of the best, the elite...the brightest most motivated and therefore most valuable worker is THE main advantage in this world of dog eat dog. It has become like a "club" for all the ones that are privileged or otherwise able to go that route. It is overwhelmingly a self supporting, strategy that is ever able overall to be it's own self fulfilling prophesy because of majority consesus of the financial "haves"of this world.

I would liken it to a kind of pyramid scheme that requires only the unfair nature of mankind rather than a collaborative plot, that works well to keep it's subscribers in control, as the pool where the highest levels of Bosses are chosen from...the "haves" that take the money! Has to be the greatest "good ol boy" racket going today! Either pay the dues and jump through the intiation hoops, or get left in the dust!

Given the number of totally inept people that land and HOLD highly paid positions along with how MANY folks with NO degree at all that have completely dominated as highly successful entrepreneurs, it is pretty hard to argue with this assessment of things. A degree in NO WAY assures that a person is going to end up EARNING the salary that their degree secures for them! Oh they may well GET the bucks but I am talking about EARNING it! Much like a cancer proud holders of degrees hiring nothing but others who jumped through those same hoops can literally destroy the effectiveness of an operations! Formal education therefore is just one more example of something that can and IS used to put oneself (or one's offspring) into a postition of unfair advantage ...No of course not ALWAYS, but at the least FAR too often!

This world is not fair, the Bible indicates that we are beasts by nature. We want to enjoy the thought of fairness and overall we tend to love the opportunity to do good, but when it comes down to it, the overwhelming majority knows something they are involved with is rigged and they are tickled pink when it pays off for ME! A union job, a big bucks corporate king for hire, all the ones that DO get the random break that makes all the difference...outright corruption or whatever the gig is we are collectively fine with it so long as "I get mine too" somehow!

Which, (I think anyway), all plays into what we are and why there is death ...war and troubles galore! the wages of sin ...ignoring what is written in our hearts I suppose which is to love one love the Creator who made us in His image!

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