Monday, November 10, 2014

Interviews Queen Isabella and king ferdinard?

Interviews Queen Isabella and king ferdinard?
Me- So Isabella, are you glad that you were smart and helped educate your children???Isabella- Well you know i sure am!!! Me- That is terrifec!!! So King Ferdinard how did you feel when you heard that Isabella was going to marry you but her half brother King Henry IV would not let her???King Ferdinard- I felt sad. Especially since her brother had thretened to throw her in the duangene many times. Me- You got lucky there!!! So Isabella when exactly were you born again???Isabella- Well funny you ask that because i ws just at my birthplace yesterday!!! I was born April 22, 1451 in Madrigal de las Torres Spain. Me- Well that is the end of the JuliaShow!!! See you next week when we interview Kelly Clarckson!!!!!!(Crowd goes wild)!!!!!!!!!

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