How did World War II impact the American economy?
It has been said that the impact of World War 2 snapped the USeconomy out of its depression. So it seems as the economy wasplaced on a wartime basis production schedule. In fact there wasshortage of male workers in defense factories as the draft was putin place to fight a two front war. The US economy was free fromattack as France's industry was put to work for Germany whichoccupied it. England was being bombed from Nazi airbases in Franceand Germany.
Certain items such as gasoline, rubber and metals were rationed tothe public as these products were needed for the war effort.Unemployment dwindled as manufacturers worked overtime to alsoproduce arms and ammunition.
In short the War resulted in America becoming a leader inproduction and influence. At the end of WW2 continued to prosper asthe service men came home.
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