Thursday, January 2, 2014

Advantages of Windows 7 in business?

Advantages of Windows 7 in business?
According to a new study published by IDC and commissioned by Microsoft, the return on investment of Windows 7 Professional on average, can expect to recover their investments in as little as seven months after deploying the OSwith 375% ROI.

The research from IDC shows significant benefits for end users, which translates as significant downtime reduction and productivity increase. Overall, IDC found that Windows 7 Professional helped increase employee productivity by 2.5%, freeing up an additional 51 hours per user, per year-more than one full work week per employee. For an organization with 15 employees whose salaries average $25,000a savings of more than $9,200 annually. These gains were realized in four primary areas:

Reduced Self-Support, Improved Security, and Increased Productivity from New Features

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