What section of the commodity market will help to investors to make money from the market?
The questions, hence the answer is way too broad. In futures andcommodities you can make and lose money playing both the long andshort side of the markets. So If I rephrase the question to whatcurrent trends I see in the commodity markets, the answer will bethat energies, metals and Grains are in middle of a strong downtrend and seems that this will continue. The main questions thoughis where does one get in? how does one speculate? will you usefutures? options? or combination?
My best advice is to contact a reputable commodity broker , shareyour objectives, risk capital and views and a commodity tradingexecutive will be able to customize information to your needs.
Disclaimer - Trading Futures,Options on Futures, and retail off-exchange foreign currencytransactions involves substantial risk of loss and is not suitablefor all investors. Past performance is not indicative of futureresults. You should carefully consider whether trading is suitablefor you in light of your circumstances, knowledge, and financialresources. You may lose all or more of your initial investment.Opinions, market data, and recommendations are subject to change atany time.
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