How does effective management take advantage and contribute to motivation?
Motivation is the set of justifications or the reasons which can make an individual to do a particular task or show a particular behavior. This term is widely used in the context of businesses because employee motivation is one important aspect which can help the business to attain it's goals. You have very rightly said that effective management can lead to motivation and it can get advantage out of this motivation. For example, motivating factors are those which can provide some kind of reward to the workers (that may fulfill their needs) and they will eventually motivated towards their goals. Now through effective management, companies can make employees to work hard and then give then financial and non-financial incentives which will further foster motivation in them and the company can get advantage of this employee motivation. Some of the effective management tools include giving employees the authority of decision making to some limitations, employee rewards, and various other techniques.
Amber22Great AnswerReportMotivation is a general term applying to the entire class of drives, desires, needs, wishes and similar forces. Human motives are based on needs, whether consciously or subconsciously felt. Some are primary needs, such as the physiological requirements for water, air, food, sleep and shelter. Other needs maybe regarded as secondary such as self esteem, status, affiliation with others, affection, giving, accomplishment and self assertion. These needs vary in intensity and over time among different individuals.
Managers motivate their subordinates by doing those things which hope to satisfy the above mentioned drives and desires and induce the subordinates to act in a desired manner.
Managers should have an understanding of the roles assumed by people, the individuality of people and the personalities of people and strive to satisfy' the needs of the employee and also utilize his potential and also contribute to the organization. Some of the human factors in managing and motivating his subordinates are:
Multiplicity of roles: The fact that an employee is more than just a productive factor in management's plans should be taken into consideration. They could be members of many social organizations like schools, churches, temples, trade associations, clubs, political parties etc. It is important to keep in mind that the managers and the people they lead are interacting members of a broad social system
No Average person: People are different even if they have a specific role in the organization. It is important to acknowledge that people are essentially different and have different needs, attitudes, desires for responsibility, different levels of knowledge and skills and different potentials Managers should understand the complexity and individuality of people and should to make individual arrangements within the framework of the organizational rules and this does not exclude the possibility of arranging a job to the fir a person in a specific situation
Importance of personal dignity: A manager should never violate the dignity of his subordinates. Each subordinate must be treated with respect no matter what their position is in the organization
Consideration of the whole person: The human being is a total person influenced by external factors. A person has separate and distract characteristics such as knowledge, skills orpersonality traits and they cannot divest themselves of these forces when they come to work. A manager must recognize these facts and be prepared to deal with them.
Money : Can never be overlooked as a motivator whether given in the form of salary, bonus, incentive pay stock options, company paid insurance, money is important. Money can mean more then monetary value. It can also mean status or power.
Participation: Use of participation is against. Motivational tool that can be used by managers. Only rarely are people not motivated by being consulted on action affecting them. Most people in the centre of operations have knowledge of both problems and of solutions. As a result, participation yields both motivation and knowledge valuable for enterprise success. Participation is also a means of recognition and appeals to the need for affiliation and acceptance. It gives people a sense of accomplishment
Quality of working life: Is a systems approach to job design and a promising development in the broad area of job enrichment. Managers have regarded it as a promising means of dealing with stagnating productivity. Workers have also seen it as a means of improving working conditions and productivity and as a means of justifying higher pay.
Effective managers must respond to the motivations of individuals if they are to design an environment in which people will perform willingly. Likewise they can design a climate that will arouse of reduce motivation. Guest
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