Wednesday, April 15, 2015

What do you think about nonprofit organizations?

What do you think about nonprofit organizations?
Like any other organizations or any other people, non-profits can be good or bad; helpful or not; worthwhile or worthless.

Non profits have been granted certain tax advantages because they have been chartered to meet the specific needs of certain persons or groups of people.

Non-profits are run by people; sometimes they are altruistic; they really want to meet the needs of others. Sometimes they are selfish; they have set up a non-profit organization to meet their own needs.

The key; look for organizations that do what interests you; that address areas of need for which you have passion. Then talk to the people they have helped or are helping; look at their financial records. Are they being effective? Where is the money going? Bad organizations - profit or non-profit - generally continue when people are apathetic. Be pro-active.

Look for the good and you will find it!

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