Sunday, April 19, 2015

What are some good ways to advertise your local flower shop?

What are some good ways to advertise your local flower shop?
You have a few choices when it comes toadvertising your business locally.

Both Google and Bing allow you to advertiseyour business in a way whereas it will only show your ads to peoplein your area. Both Google and Bing charge per click so the costwill vary greatly.

Another option is flat fee advertising, thismeans that regardless how many hits you get you only pay one setprice for a month or year. One of the services we recommend toclients is they list you on 1000's of sites and theresults have been real great thus far.

If you know some other local businesses inyour area try to trade links with them. It might be time consumingbut once it's setup it's there and overtime will surly bring bothof you some business.

Last but not least make sure your website isproperly optimized for search engines.

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