How can I find non-LDS businesses in Utah?
Businesses don't really advertise their religion. Also many businesses aren't religion-related simply because there are multiple owners of different religious backgrounds.
The only businesses in Utah that are owned by the LDS church are Deseret Book, Deseret Industries, Bonneville International (KSL news, Deseret News, KSL channel 5, BYU-tv, and KBYU), a handful of apartment buildings near Temple Square (if you pay rent to DMC, your building is owned by the Church), and the restaurants on Temple Square (the Lion House, The Roof, etc).
A huge percentage of businesses in Utah are partially owned or operated by LDS members, and nearly all of them employ LDS members (yes, even those that sell some alcohol, coffee, or tobacco). Your safe bets are liquor stores, coffee shops, hookah bars, most night clubs, and tobacco stores. There probably aren't any active Mormons there.
Sticking to chain restaurants and stores might be helpful, but if they are franchises, they still may be owned by Mormons.
Sorry, that's what you get for being in a state that is 60% LDS!
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