Monday, March 17, 2014

Why do most businesses sell a range of products?

Why do most businesses sell a range of products?
Companies that supply only one product with no variation will havea market share for only a short-time. This is because the productwill not meet the requirements of all or will meet maximum densitysupply, everyone will have one and therefore no demand thereafter.By making variants this demand will increase for the one producttype i.e. Toll Royce makes a range of cars not just the one. Thiswill then meet consumer demand as not every one wants silver ghost.The same applies in the clothing industry. Not everyone is a smallto medium, and in food not everyone wants a tin of soup that serves2 when there is need for 1 serving and more than 4 servings.
In addition supply is maintained when choice is offered and thedemand is to a degree maintained.

The term "do not keep all you eggs in one basket" is therefore use.By having diversity of products means when on line drops in demandanother can be brought in to play to maintain business flow.

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