Friday, March 14, 2014

What kind of services banks provide?

What kind of services banks provide?
Despository instritutions provide several services:
Savings and money market accounts as a temporary storage of wealth, borrowing/lending practices, time deposit products (CD's), and they as a financial intermediary - that is, they transfer funds between institutions (debit/credit cards).
The Federal Reserve System:
Supplies the economy with currency, provides payment-clearing services (between financial intermediaries), holds depository instritutions reserves, acts as the governments bank (performes bank services for the Treasury), supervision and regulation of depository instritutions (retail banks), serves as a lendor to these retail banks (TARP fiasco).
The Fed also regulates the money supply, invests in foreign currency markets to hedge against U.S. dollar inflation, and regulates nation interest rates to stabalize the economy.

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