Saturday, March 15, 2014

What is management of quality?

What is management of quality?
Managing quality is key to any successful enterprise.
Imagine you own a major car manufacturer - how do you ensure that your cars have a reliable engine which is in near perfect working order and needs little maintenance? Imagine sending a car out of the factory without a spare tyre
or engine oil.The answer is to have good quality control processes. Ideally, each member of staff is fully committed to producing a first class product. But we all make mistakes through fatigue, lack of skill or lack of concentration. So there is a constant need to refine production methods to reduce the chances of human errror or lessen their impact and a constant need to train staff to perform efficiently and monitor the quality of their work.
Managing quality is a subject which could fill a fill a library because it involves people and their work - and we have a long way to go before we fully understand people, their work and the interaction between the two.

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