What is the root of all money?
Technically the root of all money is a tree since all money is printed on paper made from wood pulp (excluding coins obviously).
But honestly, the root of all money is in short the Fed (or the Federal Reserve System), which is the central banking agency in the United Stated.
The Federal Reserve System is supposed to print our money in the US, which is backed (supposedly) by silver and gold, but that is a common misconception. There is no gold, and no silver backing up the USD (United States Dollar).
The problem is worse then you may think. For every dollar bill it costs $0.25 cents to make. With that knowledge you can now put this sequence together: You borrow $100.00, you get five $20 dollar bills, you are charged interest on all five bills and realistically you are paying back over $100 now that really was worth $0.125. Do you see the problem?
The Fed is one giant
Ponzi scheme!
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