Thursday, March 26, 2015

How could someone keep from losing their money?

How could someone keep from losing their money?
If you mean losing it in the sense of value, investing in gold, silver and other precious metals is a good option. Investing ( least a part of your assets) in precious metals will go a long way toward protecting and growing your wealth.

With ongoing currency debasement occurring in the U.S. and around the world, gold and silver (...and other metals like platinum, palladium and copper) offer the only refuge. Since 2001, gold has risen from $275/oz to its current price of around $1420/oz. Silver has experienced tremendous gains in the last couple of years as well.

Much of the same circumstances that existed in the 1970s are in play again today. Massive government and consumer debt coupled with a continuation of excessive government spending in both foreign and domestic affairs. Gold began the 70s at $35/oz and ended the decade at $850/oz. In today's dollars, that's around $2300/oz!!


They could put their money in a Federally insured savings account.

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