Monday, March 23, 2015

What is the current GNP of India?

What is the current GNP of India?
4.16 Trillion Dollar is India's GDP (2006 estimate). It is now in 5th rank in world. Answer RankCountryGDP (purchasing power parity)Date of Information1World $ 65,960,000,000,000 2006 est.2European Union $ 13,080,000,000,000 2006 est.3United States $ 13,060,000,000,000 2006 est.4China $ 10,210,000,000,000 2006 est.5Japan $ 4,218,000,000,000 2006 est.6India $ 4,164,000,000,000 2006 est.7Germany $ 2,632,000,000,000 2006 est.8United Kingdom $ 1,928,000,000,000 2006 est.

Dude, this is the GDP, not GNP.

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