Thursday, March 19, 2015

What are primary secondary and tertiary industries?

What are primary secondary and tertiary industries?
Primary industries is the term used to describeorganizations that are involved in the development and productionof raw materials, such as meat, grains, minerals, and timber. It isused in various capacities within the primary industry. Forexample: the forest from which they get wood, or the mine fromwhich they get metal.

Secondary industries are involved in the manufacture ofgoods. Secondary industries often use technology in the developmentand creation of goods (for example, carpenter, builder, shoemaker,florist, jeweler).

Tertiary industries is the term for the field of industriesthat provide transportation or finance rather than manufacturing orextracting raw materials (for example, Ikea or Ford, car mechanic,T.V. worker, fire fighter, nurse/doctor).

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