Is there a refugee girl in Dakar Senegal asking for help?
Please do not fall for this nonsense. There are a hundred scammails running around with the same story, they just change thegirls name.
The basic answer is that peopleclaiming to be in such camps are trying to defraud you.
Very few people in a refugee camp, if any, would have Internetaccess. Especially to the extent that these people have.
If you have received an email from a person (especially a female)who claimed he/she is residing in a refugee camp in Dakar, Senegal,it is a fraud. There is no camp in Senegal. That person is part ofa well-known swindle.
Should you wish to donate money to refugee camps it is highlyrecommended you do so through a recognized charity.
Here are answers from various WikiAnswer contributors:
(there is also a sample letter posted further down thispage)
There has been an "advance fee" scam going for awhile in whicha person - most always a girl/woman - will strike up contact withsomeone, either as a pen pal or some other innocent encounter.Then, at a certain point, she'll let it drop that she could get alot of money owed her, or even get out of the refugee camp, if onlyshe had $X or X for this, that or the other.He/she uses a lot of names. It can be a woman who is writingthe letters or it can be a man pretending to be a woman, or it canbe a gang of men (such as the gangs from Nigeria who pull similarscams on dating agency sites) by pretending to be women who needyour help. It is a well-known scam. It's all lies.It's a scam she's a fake, and the refugee camp doesn't exist,why bother? Moreover, the photos that she/he sends you it not apicture of her.He/she who is behind the letters is very smart and knows how toenter your heart very easily. I for one believed her/him till theend. She/he is a good actor, and she/he has the tools to prove thatshe/he is telling you the truth like the bank email and Britishphone number. She/he is very good swindler, its a very cleverscam.If you have you received an email from a girl claiming she isresiding in a refugee camp in Dakar, Senegal, it's a scam and thereis no camp in Senegal. That person is a swindler.There has been an "advance fee" scam going for awhile in whicha person - most always a girl/woman - will strike up contact withsomeone, either as a pen pal or some other innocent encounter.Then, at a certain point, she'll let it drop that she could get alot of money that is owed to her, or even get her out of therefugee camp, if only she had $X or X, etc., for this, that or theother.It's a scam and there is no camp in Senegal. That person is aswindler.Here is an example of the initial type ofletters these scammers write (the names have been removed)before moving on to ask you for money:
" My name is XXXX XXXXXX from South Sudan,but presently i am residing at the N'dioum refugee camp here inDakar Senegal as the result of the civil war out of politicalcrisis going on in my country, the camp is headed by the Rev whom iuse his office computer to write to you when he is less busy at theoffice, i was a medical student reading nursing before the incidentthat leads me to be here. My Father Dr XXXXXX XXXXX XXXX ,died inDecember 2011 . My father was a freedom fighter, he was the leaderof the South Sudan Democratic Movement , and the South Sudan Armybefore the rebels attacked our house one early morning and killedhim alongside with my sweet mother oh? may their souls rest inpeace, i managed to make my way to Senegal where i am living now asa refugee by the help of the Red Cross Society. I will like to knowmore about you, your likes and dislikes and what you are doingpresently, i will tell you more of me in my next mail if you writeback to me again. i will be waiting patiently to read again a mailfrom you, thanks and God bless you, i remain yours forever."
In return for your help, you will eventually be promised hugeamounts of money that is supposedly owned to them as an inheritance(or some such nonsense) in return for your assistance. There willalso be the promise of a relationship or sexual relationship withthem. If you respond, sooner or later you will be asked to pay afee to help them obtain something or to help them get somewheresuch as coming to visit you. If you pay, another fee will quicklybe requested for something else and it will continue that way untilyou give up or run out of money. You will never see the huge amountof money that you were promised, because that never existed.Neither will they ever come to visit you. Usually the fraud is runby gangs of men pretending to be women, even to the extent ofwritten communication with you live on Instant Messenger whilepretending to be female.
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