Friday, March 20, 2015

Does KKK own proctor and gamble?

Does KKK own proctor and gamble?
Each generation has its own evil entity that owns P & G,usually with flimsy evidence that doesn't really stand up. I firstheard this rumor when I was in high school. The story was that thecompany was controlled by Communists then.

From urban legends:

June 10, 1998
Here's proof that you can't stop an urban legend, not even in acourt of law.
In 1997, Procter & Gamble filed the most recent in a series oflawsuits against Amway Corporation and several of its distributorsfor allegedly spreading rumors to the effect that P&G, maker offamiliar household products such as Mr. Clean and Tide laundrydetergent, is affiliated with the Church of Satan.

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