Thursday, October 23, 2014

What are the different types of purchasing models?

What are the different types of purchasing models?
Purchasing models handbook - 40 types. Book available from CIPS

Section 1: Management Leadership
Tannenbaum and Schmidt
Situational Leadership Model
Action Centred Leadership
Tuckman Model
Balanced Scorecard
Iron Triangle
Managerial Grid
Section 2: Strategic Analysis
Porters's generic strategies
Ansoff Matrix
Porters Five Forces
Boston Box
Innovation Diffusion
Strategy Development PCA
Section 3: Key Processes
Communication Processes
Product Life Cycle
Purchasing Life Cycle
Network Analysis
Demings PDCA Model
Risk Impact Grid
Section 4: Negotiation
Persuasion Tools Matrix
ZOPA Model
Phases of Negotiation
Thomas Kilman Conflict Model
SPIN Model
Rapport Matrix
Section 5: Relationships
Relationship Continuum
Kraljic Model
Supplier Preferencing Model
Power Dominance
Outsourcing Decision Matrix
Stakeholder Analysis
Section 6: Organisations
McKinsey 75
Cultural Web Model
Porters Value Train
Lewin's ForceField Analysis Model
Lean vs Agil

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