The function of a memo is to?
MEMOSDefinition:A memo is an internal document that is generally short, focuses on asingle topic, reports information, makes a request, or recommends action.It follows specific forms, depending on the organization.Before writing, consider: Who will read the memo Why the memo is being written The tone and languageCertain words convey the tone of a memo (for example, negative,positive, conciliatory, assertive, motivational, friendly, etc.). Inaddition, the choice of language depends on the reader (coworker,superior, or subordinate) and the objective.Heading of memo:To: Santa's ElvesFrom: Santa ClausDate: 30 September 2001Subject: Meeting to discuss shortage of toy partsNote: To prevent confusion, a memo should address only one subject. Thesubject-line title should be accurate and complete.Body of memo:A memo should contain three parts:1. For the introduction, start with one clear sentence that states thesubject and provides a summary of the topic.2. The middle may contain several sentences of explanation.3. The ending makes a request or a recommendationFormat:Follow the guidelines of your particular company, university, etc.These guidelines should include: Heading (To, From, Date, Subject)Most memos now use this form for the date: 17 December 2002 Names - follow guidelines for your institutionExample: A.B. Jones or Alexander Buckson Jones Position or title - include if your organization requires it. If copies should go to more people, put "cc:" with the names at thebottom of the memo.Electronic Memo (e-mail):E-mail memos serve the same purpose as paper memos but are easier tocreate and store, as well as faster to distribute.Sample Memo:To: Santa's ElvesFrom: Santa ClausDate: 30 September 2001Subject: Meeting to discuss shortage of toy partsI am calling a meeting at 3 p.m. tomorrow to discuss the shortage of toyparts for the upcoming holiday season. Some of you have alreadymentioned that various widgets and snippets are hard to obtain from theusual sources. If we cannot obtain these items soon, we will have to findnew suppliers in order to meet our holiday deadline. We do not want todisappoint any children.Please bring a list of the parts in short supply to the meeting so that wecan determine what to do next. If you have any additional suggestions, besure to contact me or Mrs. Claus.Cc: Mrs. S. ClausNote: Proofread carefully! Make no spelling or punctuation mistakes.Sourc es: Business Communications, 4th ed., 1999, Andrews & Andrews.Writing That Works, 7th ed., 2001, Oliu, Brusaw, Alred.University of Delaware Writing CenterFall 2001
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