How not be nervous when speaking publicly?
Listed below are some suggestions you may want to consider when speaking publicly. Realize you are not alone. Most individuals experience some type of nervousness when speaking to a crowd. It's normal. Some just experience it to greater degrees than others.Know your subject matter thoroughly. This is critical!If you are new to public speaking, do not look directly at the faces in the audience, but slightly over their heads.Realize that using little appropriate humor goes a long way in relaxing your audience as well as yourself.Speak to the audience as if you were speaking to one person - maybe a good friend.You may want to consider using some visual aids to help promote your ideas and to clearly validate your findings or point of view.If you are asked a question by some one in the audience, do not be afraid to say, "I do not know, but I will find out and get back to you." then do follow up.
I'm sure others can continue to add other suggestions Still, remember what I stated above. Make sure you understand your subject matter!
Another way is to just say to yourslef that youare confident and that you can do it or also you take a deep breathe and look at a friend or someone you know that you know will not make you laugh or mess up. What I always do is I try to make the audience laugh because that always helps but sometimes it isn't a laughing matter. Do you have anymore tips?
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