Friday, September 19, 2014

What are the duties of the Information security department?

What are the duties of the Information security department?
There are so many different conflicting definitions about Information Security out there; however there are clear censuses amongst the field's professionals and leaders on the following definition writing by Michael Chahino (Managing Director of Network Operations and Information Security) and Jason Marchant (Chief Security Officer):

INFORMATION SECURITY is a discipline governing the framework for the continuous cycle of safeguarding information and ensuring related regulatory compliance.

- Discipline
a branch of instruction and learning such as history, finance, economics

- Framework
a frame or structure composed of parts fitted together documenting the methodology of incident identification, mitigation, and resolution much like the scientific method

- Cycle
a series of processes that are repeated in a precise and deliberate manner

- Information
electronic, printed, audible, visual, memorized

- Compliance
ensuring that the institution is in compliance with applicable laws, regulations, and contractual agreements

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