Saturday, September 20, 2014

In insurance what is the principle of contribution?

In insurance what is the principle of contribution?
a person can get same subject-matter insured by more than one insurance company. In case of loss he will be, jointly and proportionately, compensated by all insurance companies so that claim amount do not exceed actual loss. This is relevant in non-life insurance.
Say for example; if a person holds two fire insurance policy on same building and he incur a loss of Rs 50,000 due to fire. he can not claim Rs. 50,000 from each insurance company rather both insurance companies will jointly pay Rs.50000 in certain ratio (may be 1:1 or in ratio of their premium or insurance policy amount, etc...)

in case if one insurance company paid whole amount of claim, it has a right to call other company(s) to contribute/pay back their share

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