Tuesday, September 30, 2014

What and some notible things that happened in 1939?

What and some notible things that happened in 1939?
1939 seems to have been a very busy year. On the international front: the last public execution was held in France. The guillotine was used on murderer Eugene Weidmann. One of Australia's worst bush fires occurred, killing 71 people in the state of Victoria. New York hosted the World's Fair 1939 and regular television broadcasts began in the U. S. The Soviet Union and Germany attacked Britain and Poland and the independent republic of Czechoslovakia was dissolved. Siam becomes Thailand. FDR declares the U.S. as "neutral" in the fighting in U.S.1939 has long been considered one of the best years for American cinema with the release of Gone with the Wind, Stagecoach, The Wizard of Oz, Wuthering Heights and Mr. Smith Goes to WashingtonCooperstown, NY opens the Baseball Hall of Fame and Little League Baseball begins.

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