Saturday, July 26, 2014

What are the two advantages of a sole proprietor?

What are the two advantages of a sole proprietor?
a sole trader is someone who is the only owner of the business, earns all the profits and suffers all the loses upon himself. while its a risky and hectic job as responsibilities and duties lie upon one's shoulders it has it advantage:

A Sole Trader Earns All The PROFIT!

since the sole trader is the only owner of the business, he earns all the profit and does not have to share it with company and partnership, profit has to be distributed among the share holders or partner so its an advantage.

A Sole Trader Is His/Her Own Boss!
a sole trader has no partners and s the only owner of the business so he does not work under anyone. considering the troubles of a boss, this is an advantage to many people for the freedom to work and boss other people around.

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