Monday, July 21, 2014

How should I make money at only 11 I have asked so many people but they say I am too young so please help because I need money and SOON Thank you How do you make money at only 11 then?

How should I make money at only 11 I have asked so many people but they say I am too young so please help because I need money and SOON Thank you How do you make money at only 11 then?
Cut grass or babysit Buy some numbered stencils and spray paint and offer to put their address on the curb in front of the house so people can find their address easier. Use the sales pitch that in an emergency the ambulance will be able to find the house easier. Also check local laws or regulations in some places it is required to have the address their.
Buy a squeegee and a bucket and some glass cleaner and offer to clean businesses windows. Remember to always do a good job and be polite. You should clean up. Everyone loves a kid who is taking action.

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