Wednesday, February 18, 2015

What were the effects of American imperialism on Hawaii?

What were the effects of American imperialism on Hawaii?
American imperialism had a very profound effect on Hawaii. OnceHawaii had become a protectorate, American business men startedarriving. As time passed, they made efforts to disenfranchise theHawaiian people. For example, limiting voting rights to onlywealthy people. This caused the Hawaiian legislature to be mainlycomposed of foreign legislators. When the Hawaiian queen ascendedthe throne and attempted to bring more equality to the island, anAmerican, Sanford B. Dole (as in Dole bananas), seized power, andhad her arrested and imprisoned. Dole and the other businessmenwere instrumental in turning Hawaii into a Republic, which hadDole, rather than a native Hawaiian, as its first president.

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