Advantanges of dealth penalty?
The death penalty permanently removes the worst criminals from society and should prove much safer for the rest of us than the long term or permanent incarceration.Where the crime was committed in the heat of the moment there is no likelihood that any punishment will act as a deterrent.Others believe that if it is done at the will of, and which with the consent of, the people than that is democracy at work - and that it does make the would-be killers THINK TWICE.Money is not an inexhaustible commodity and the government may very well better spend our (limited) resources on the old, the young and the sick etc., rather than on the long term imprisonment of murderers, rapists, etc.Execution is a very real punishment rather than some form of "rehabilitative" treatment, the criminal is made to suffer in proportion to the offence.
And finally... the strongest argument made by proponents of the death penalty for murder is that it teaches a profound truth: Human life is sacred, so that anyone who unjustly robs another person of the only life that person forfeits his or her own right to live. The death penalty is a statement of belief in the value of every human being.
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