Monday, December 8, 2014

Should you get an MBA after a JD?

Should you get an MBA after a JD?
It depends.Yes, I think, if you want to either: Go into a consulting or investment banking career; something that requires high levels of problem solving, issue spotting, etc. Go into a business-oriented legal career - corporate attorney, securities, transactional work, etc. waste a lot of time and money figuring out what you want to do.I think you shouldn't if: you think it'll represent a golden key to the world (you still have to scrap for a job when you're done). you want to start a life anytime soon (it's at least a 4 year commitment). you're lazy or tend to procrastinate.Hope this helps. It probably doesn't. Every person is unique and every person has different strengths/weaknesses/needs/wants/DNA.

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