Where you can find an example of a risk inventory listing assets and liabilities of a typical company i think this question is appropriate for a risk manager?
The option is far to broad. You are asking for a typical company.However, there are a vast array of companys in differing sectors.Each has its own core and suplimentry risk assessment types.
The most appropriate way of doing this is to actually break yourcompany down in to departments. Each will have core (the same riskareas as other departments) and suplimentry, those specific to therole of that area.
Once you ideanify what the risks are to that department running andby this we have to take in to account, technical failure, climatefailure and attack then you will have the responses require to thequestion. Re,member you are looking at the risks at a company levelnot at the lecal department.
Therefore as an example take the it section.
Q1. What will you do if
1.1.1 The is a power failure na dall systems are close down.
This is the risk - you then identify at what level that is, is itRED CRISIS, Yellow Important (meaning) but we could still functionwith limited resourse for X hours
Green it will casue an issue but nothing that will stop the companymeeting its requirements
Each risk will need to be given a impact score - traffic lights aregood. Each will have to have a account for a contingency that IS inplace in the event it occers - This will be also given a trafficlight - red of course menans we have NOTHING in place if thishappens
Each contingency must be reviewed as being in place and people areaware of what to do in the event that the worst happens.
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