Thursday, August 21, 2014

What does England and the us congress have in common?

What does England and the us congress have in common?
The English system of government is similar to the U.S. system of government in many respects because, of course, the founders of the U.S. were English. They took what they believed were the best parts of English representation, looked back at Antiquity and looked at the Athenian democracy as well as Rome's early constitution, and weaved these into the three branches of the U.S. government. The U.S. Legislative Branch consists of two bodies: the House of Representatives and the Senate. Athens and Rome had their Senate; England has in their Parliament the House of Lords and House of Commons. The U.S. founders took the Senate of Athens and Rome and combined it with the English House of Commons for what they believed would be an adequate representation of the people they wanted to govern.

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