Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Which country sells petrol at the lowest rate?

Which country sells petrol at the lowest rate?
i think that Arabia,what is cost in your country please tell

What is the gas to oil ratio for a older Mercury forty HP outboard?

What is the gas to oil ratio for a older Mercury forty HP outboard?
a good oil at 50 to 1 will be fine

What is 2 jobs that would use the percent of change?

What is 2 jobs that would use the percent of change?
Yo no ce. Como estas? Me llamo Jack.

How many countries have Revlon offices?

How many countries have Revlon offices?
17 countries. Revlon offices are located in the United States,Canada, Mexico, Venezuela, Argentina, United Kingdom, France,Italy, South Africa, United Arab Emirates, Hong Kong, Taiwan,Japan, China, Singapore, Australia, and New Zealand.

How is a competitor a stakeholder?

How is a competitor a stakeholder?
Because they can be directly affected by a company's performance and, in turn, directly affect their competitors' performance

How should companies resolve domestic and international issues differently?

How should companies resolve domestic and international issues differently?
A company that is international will come upon issues that involve the company's home office (its domestic origin ) along with issues that will arise in the foreign operations of the company. For this example, the company will be a manufacturer of microwave ovens.
A microwave oven is an "electronic" cooking machine. It relies on proper wiring, microchips and plastic and/or metals. For domestic sales, the domestic standards set for microwave emissions, standards of wiring and safety, for example must follow government requirements. It's easier to iron out any problems in the "final product" in the company's home country because the standards are more likely to be readily understood by the designers of the oven. There is also no language barriers.
For international sales, the standards the oven must meet could be different than the domestic standards. Questions concerning the viability of the oven with regard to its sales abroad need to be resolved by consulting with foreign engineers and with foreign regulatory agencies. There will be a language barrier that must be overcome as well.
All this requires the domestic company to hire as consultants or as regular employees, engineers and designers that are up to date on a foreign nation's requirements for the new microwave oven.

Also, there are other issues that may need to be resolved. For example:

* How strong is demand for microwave ovens in a foreign market; and

* Can the price for consumers in the foreign market be affordable.

What is meant by formal and informal organization?

What is meant by formal and informal organization?
formal organisation have written directions, rules and regulations and a pre determine goal to achieve and formed.

informal organisation is created by itself, it is necessary for formal org. it has no rules and regulations, but it helps formal organisation to attain its goals.

How much does a CAD designer make?

How much does a CAD designer make?
CAD hourly rate Anywhere from $10 to $50 / hour depending on experience.

Do you need a licenses to do reposessions?

Do you need a licenses to do reposessions?
It depends on what state you live in. There are some states thatrequire it and some states that don't.
Here's a list of states that require a license:
New Mexico
New York
Washington DC

What organizational structure does shoprite holdings ltd use?

What organizational structure does shoprite holdings ltd use?
functional structure

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Inter-relationship between different processes and function in engineering company?

Inter-relationship between different processes and function in engineering company?
The Relationship Between Organization and ProcessPosted By William Speir on February 16, 2011
The following is an excerpt of an article I wrote, titled "Leadership Observations of a Management Consultant." I will be releasing more excerpts over time.
The Relationship Between Organization and Process
"Organizations describe how work gets managed, not how work gets performed."
One of the greatest traps that leaders consistently fall into is the belief that organizational structures and processes are the same thing. They are not! However, each can influence the other.
A process defines the work that an organization performs. An organization determines how effectively the people are deployed and supported to get the work done. The process, then, defines the context in which an organization's activities exist. Typically, an organization is just one of the components of a process that transcends multiple organizations.
As an example, think about a company that produces cellular telephones. The functional departments involved might include:Product Development, which is responsible for defining and assembling the new telephones.Sales and Marketing, which is responsible for generating interest in the new products, as well as providing input to Product Development as to what features the consumers want.Finance, which is responsible for pricing the new cell phones to be competitive and to be profitable.Distribution, which is responsible for getting the new cell phones to the consumer as quickly and as accurately as possible.
In this example, the functional departments have their own leadership structures, roles and responsibilities, and activities that they perform. However, the primary process of the company, which starts with the idea for a new product and ends when that product is released to the consumers, crosses all organizational boundaries. None of the functional leaders has responsibility for the entire end-to-end process, but all must contribute something to the overall success of the process execution.
In this example, the functional departments are responsible for performing activities that are part of a much larger process. For the leaders of these functional departments to be successful, they not only need to be able to lead their staff as they perform these activities, but they must also understand how the activities performed by their staff fit into the larger picture.
Reorganize vs. Reengineer
When you think about change within an organization, what is the most common kind of change? Reorganizations. Why? Because leaders today still do not realize that changing the structure of an organization rarely makes any improvements to the performance of the organization.
Consider the example of the company that produces cell phones. There are a number of functional organizations that are involved in the Product Release process. There are a number of steps that must be performed by the different organizations in a particular sequence to release a new product. If the Senior Leader decides to combine the Product and Distribution organizations together to gain operational efficiencies, what is the net effect? Will the required steps of the process change or will the sequence of these steps change? No. Will the individuals who perform these steps change? Possibly, but doubtful. What, then, will change? The way the individuals performing the process are supported may change, the leadership structure will change, but little else will change.
So why think that changing the organizational structure will add anything in the way of operational efficiency? Because leaders are not trained to recognize that efficiency and effectiveness are process issues, rather than organizational issues.
To bring about a change in operational efficiency or effectiveness, the process must be changed, the people performing the process realigned and retrained to perform the new process, and then a new organizational structure must be put around the new process to enable, enforce, and support those performing the new process. Changing the organizational structure should be a derivative of a process change or reengineering effort, not a driver of a process change.
Organizations describe how people are managed, but processes describe how work gets done. Simply changing an organizational structure injects confusion and disruption, rather than efficiency and effectiveness, into an organization as relationships are severed and must be realigned. In the short term, reorganizations by themselves negatively impact an organization as the staff works through the transition period. Long term, though, reorganizations by themselves provide little real value and rarely help achieve any of the goals that impelled the change in the first place.
Leadership must evolve its thinking to focus on the needs of the process, building organizational structures that support how work actually gets done.
Organization Centric vs. Process Centric Organizations
There have been a number of books written about the best organizational structure for an organization. These include the pyramid, inverse pyramid, pizza, matrix, and others. A number of experiments have been inflicted on unsuspecting workers as consultants, leadership gurus, and organizational psychologists attempt to find the panacea of all organizational structures.
The truth is: there is no one organizational structure that works in all situations.
The traditional organizational structure, which is a military-based command and control structure, was developed during the industrial revolution as a way to group similar functions together and create a more efficient distribution of labor. This structure allowed for the development of deep functional competence and excellence within each functional area, but placed the burden of integrating these functions on the senior leadership ranks. As a result, individual workers became experts in their specific tasks, but often had no idea how their tasks interrelated with anyone else's tasks. Work appeared in the "inbox," was processed, and disappeared in the "outbox" with little or no understanding of how the work got there or where it went next.
To combat this phenomenon, companies began implementing cross-functional organizational structures. They would take individuals from each of the functional areas involved in executing a unit of work, and place them all in the same organization, calling them a "team." While this approach did help the individuals in these cross-functional teams to understand how their activities interrelated with everyone else's tasks, the levels of functional competence and excellence each individual had began to decline because they were separated from the others who performed their same functions and provided expertise and support.
In recent years, a new concept, called Business Process Management, has been gaining wide acceptance. One of the key concepts of Business Process Management (BPM) is that organizational structures are of secondary importance to how an organization's business processes are managed.
In the example of the company that makes cell phones, there should be a role identified called the Process Owner. The Process Owner is responsible for managing the flow of work as it moves through each of the functional organizations to ensure that all pieces are working together to meet the needs of the customers.
When the Process Owner role is present, what then is the role of the functional managers?
As the term implies, functional managers are responsible for ensuring the competency and the availability of functional resources to perform the tasks required for the process to execute successfully. They are administrative managers who support their resources, enable them to perform their duties by ensuring they have the tools and training required to be successful, and manage the performance of their resources by enforcing the business rules of the process activities they perform.
The Process Owner and the functional managers must work together for both to be successful. The Process Owner must keep the functional managers informed about how each function fits into the overall process and about any changes to the workflow or business rules that govern each function. The functional managers must ensure that there are sufficient and competent resources available to perform the process activities based on the Process Owner's requirements.
The BPM approach ensures that both the process and the functional resources are being effectively managed. This approach provides the context in which to manage the staff of the organization to increase and focus functional competence and excellence. It contains the best elements of traditional organization structures and cross-functional organization structures, without confusing the role of the process with the role of the organizational structure.
Effective leaders are those who truly understand the relationship between process and organization and can balance the needs of both for the benefit of their customers.

What is corporate finance?

What is corporate finance?
Any financial or monetary activity that deals with a company and its money.

What are Different ways to write and?

What are Different ways to write and?
You can write it like...






and also like an e in script with 2 lines at the end. i don't know how to do it on a computer.

What percentage of a man's salary does a woman make?

What percentage of a man's salary does a woman make?
You would need to research "The Glass Ceiling" or the Bureau of Labor Statistics who track this question, specifically, by industry.However, a common anecdotal answer is about 80%.

How do you get a power washing company bonded in Austin Texas?

How do you get a power washing company bonded in Austin Texas?
First you need to know what type bond you are looking for. There are several types of bonds possible for your power wash company. Second find an insurance agent who is familiar with commercial insurance, probably and independent, then they can calculate you a premium or price for the bond. You probably need a janitorial bond, but I don't know that without you telling me, but that bond is based upon number of employees, they are grouped in premium rates generally from 1-5, 6-25, and then over 25. The base bond typically runs under $200 per year, but remember, the bond does nothing for you. It only builds credibility with your customers. If you have a claim against the bond, the bond company will pay the Plaintiff and then come after you for the money they spent, so make sure this is really what you want. Many companies place "licensed and Bonded" on the side of their trucks, but most don't know why it is there.

Where did Clara Barton go to high school at?

Where did Clara Barton go to high school at?
idk no one nows its unknown

Why does the private sector generate more revenue than the public sector?

Why does the private sector generate more revenue than the public sector?
Because the private sector is entirely geared towards creating revenue at the cost of anything else. By contrast, revenue-gathering is not a concern for the public sector, while spending any money that would otherwise be revenue in useful ways is a major concern.

How low cost airlines have afected aviation industry?

How low cost airlines have afected aviation industry?
actually my question is how the following factors have effected the development of aviation industry.......
low cost airlines
increased number of domestic ailines
and India's improving economy

Monday, May 26, 2014

What is the difference between public sector and private sector and why do government support public sector?

What is the difference between public sector and private sector and why do government support public sector?
Government is public sector. Corporations and partnerships are Private sector. The government wants to support both the public and private sector to improve the economy and well-offness of the people it serves.

What is the most challenging piece of analysis you have ever undertaken and what did you find out?

What is the most challenging piece of analysis you have ever undertaken and what did you find out?
Business and Finance

Market value per share or stock price?

Market value per share or stock price?
Market value should be
Total # of Shares outstanding X Share price

What is minimum stock level?

What is minimum stock level?
a minimum stock level is identified and re-order happens when that level is reached

How old is Cassian Horowitz?

How old is Cassian Horowitz?
he turned 28 last week

Brooklyn union gas stock price 1984?

Brooklyn union gas stock price 1984?
You can call 800-482-3628 - Option 2 - Option 2 - they will then prompt you to enter a six (6) digit date for the day you would like the closing price for. Hope this helps!

What are the three different types of trade?

What are the three different types of trade?
The three different types of trade are stock trade, bond trade, and alternative trade.

Sales revenue less cost of goods sold is called?

Sales revenue less cost of goods sold is called?
Gross profit or gross margin.

Sunday, May 25, 2014

Can a nonprofit business earn money income?

Can a nonprofit business earn money income?
u shood no this cweschon urself coz ur obviosly grown up and i thort u wer smart
and i no wot i am spelling and i do not care

What is the Mystique's real name?

What is the Mystique's real name?
Mystique from X-men: her real name is Raven

How well do you know aldina tresna wulandari?

How well do you know aldina tresna wulandari?
not too well, I'm afraid.... Who is she/he and why should I know this person?

What is the industrial marketing and consumer marketing?

What is the industrial marketing and consumer marketing?
Industrial Marekting: The Products marketing to the Industries may be techincal or non tech is call as Industrial Marketing
Consumer Marketing: The marketing of products required by common person mainly OTS prodcuts is called Consumer marketing

Can you name all of the Philadelphia Phillies mascots?

Can you name all of the Philadelphia Phillies mascots?
ONE the phillie Phanatic

Saturday, May 24, 2014

What is a bylaw?

What is a bylaw?
A bylaw is a rule of operation agreed to by an organization to govern its internal operations.
In short, by-laws are made by organizations to set the rules on how the organization is going to be run. By-laws are operating rules; they include how officers are selected, how meetings are run and how the organization operates and basically all the stuff that tells the orginzation what it is suppose to do to carry on usual business.
Day to day stuff; remember, artificial persons don't know what they are doing because they are not natural persons, so it is important for them to have instructions. By-laws are instructions on what to do.
Corporations, artificial persons, in most states' law, are required to have by-laws before they can receive a 'charter' or right to do business in the particular state, and because of the Full Faith and Credit Clause in the United States of America's Consititution of 1787, as amended just about anywhere else.

What rules impact a business' Accounting Information System?

What rules impact a business' Accounting Information System?
The CPA rules, the tax laws, and the rules set by company management and Board of Directors.

What are financial resources?

What are financial resources?
Finacial resources are ones that are to do with how a business/company is being financed. Example of financial resources are: Bank loan, Mortgage, Overlease e.t.c.

How long has carhartt outerwear been in business?

How long has carhartt outerwear been in business?
I've not heard of Carhartt Outerwear, so it took me a few minutes to do some research on this company. Carhartt Outerwear was established by Hamilton Carhartt, in 1889, and has been in business for 122 years.

To keep the tone of your letter professional you should avoid what?

To keep the tone of your letter professional you should avoid what?
Joking Around. Informal language and phrases.

How would you go about setting up a PC repairs and sales business at 15 years of age?

How would you go about setting up a PC repairs and sales business at 15 years of age?
Technically, you cannot own a business and conduct legal contracts- which is required if you want to own and operate a legit business- until you are 18. However, if you trust your parents or any other adults in your life, they can found the business for you and hire you as an employee. Work as an employee of their business until you are 18, then either have them transfer the business to you or buy them out. This is why you need someone you can trust: they need to recognize that you were the one with the idea and doing all the work. If they don't see that or if they see a way to exploit your efforts, then you shouldn't work for them...

Another way you can conduct business legally is to do unofficial contract work, but you shouldn't make formal guarantees of your work. Any claims you make can work against you if you make a mistake...

With a population 103 million what country is the most populous spanish speaking country in the world?

With a population 103 million what country is the most populous spanish speaking country in the world?

What will happen to the equilibrium price level and the real GDP if the aggregate demand increases and aggregate supply decreases?

What will happen to the equilibrium price level and the real GDP if the aggregate demand increases and aggregate supply decreases?
The equilibrium price level increases, but the real GDP change depends on how much aggregate demand and aggregate supply change by.

How much Indian rupees make 1 billion?

How much Indian rupees make 1 billion?
General exchange conversions usually assume the reserve currency which for the most part is the US dollar (USD).Today's conversion rate is: 49.725 Indian rupees (INR) to 1 USDTherefore 1 billion USD would require 49.725 billion INR.

How does foreclosure in real estate affect the public?

How does foreclosure in real estate affect the public?
It's a snowball effect. The more people who foreclose, the tougher the banks get. The tougher the banks get, the harder it is for buyers to get approved for a mortgage. If people can't qualify for a mortgage loan, the more properties for sale there are on the market that are unable to get sold. Lots of houses on the market decreases demand. Less demand means less profit. Less profit means real estate values go down.

In addition, neighborhoods are affected. If one or two people on a single block foreclose, the bank takes it over. That means the lawn stops getting mowed, the pool turns black, and the block starts to look less attractive to buyers. Who wants to pay top dollar for a neighborhood like that? Again, real estate values go down.And it doesn't stop there. If a seller can't make a profit by selling their house, it affects their spending habits. They will spend less money on other things such as home improvements and even on their regular shopping. Now the local contractors, plumbers, electricians and the neighborhood shops and restaurants are making less money. If a company stops making money, they will have to close and/or cut down on staff. Any employees affected are now unemployed. Now you have even more people trying to spend less money because they can't find work.I could go on, but I'll stop there, you get my drift. Real estate foreclosures DO affect more than real estate.PS - I am a licensed Florida real estate agent. I see this snowball effect every day and it breaks my heart. It affects my friends, my associates and my family.

What is an Allied industry in animal care?

What is an Allied industry in animal care?
check internet

- its a business which existes because of the animal industry, like say a vet because if there wasn't animals then there would be no need for the vet

How much is one dollar in Italy?

How much is one dollar in Italy?
1.00 usd=0.746046 eur

Friday, May 23, 2014

Why are there so many conceptual classification of information system?

Why are there so many conceptual classification of information system?
Because there are different ways to classify things. You need tohave it all organized in order to make any sense.

What are general activities?

What are general activities?
swimming dancing singing and gymnastics for me

How much is 32 Indian rupees in American dollars?

How much is 32 Indian rupees in American dollars?
32 Indian rupees equals U. S. $.66 (66 cents)

Is anyone able to open his office in 15 August?

Is anyone able to open his office in 15 August?
Yes why not?

What is purchasing strictly by requirement?

What is purchasing strictly by requirement?
gino tiergi

What promotes the differing views managers and employees have on privacy issues?

What promotes the differing views managers and employees have on privacy issues?
There are a number of things that promote the differing viewsmanagers and employees have on privacy issues. This is mainly as aresult of the varied understanding of the workplace policies.

Who is sun life finance in Jamaica?

Who is sun life finance in Jamaica?
It is a scam. Do not do business with them. You will never see your loan money, they rip you off.

Thursday, May 22, 2014

What fast food chain did Serena endorse in 2003?

What fast food chain did Serena endorse in 2003?

What ownership does a public company have?

What ownership does a public company have?
It is owned by its shareholders. These shares are available forpurchase by anyone on the stock market.

Who was the first person outside Europe to receive the British honor of Knighthood?

Who was the first person outside Europe to receive the British honor of Knighthood?
who was the first person outside Europe receive the British honour of Kinghthood ?
who was the person outside Europe to receive the British honour of Baronetcy ?

How much money do tobacco companies in America make?

How much money do tobacco companies in America make?
A lot. It changes each year, but it's going up. I know they make at least a billion.

What is the impact of e-business on regular mail?

What is the impact of e-business on regular mail?
The effect of email has been extremely serious, considering it's as good as free, secure and extremely fast.
Increasingly, ordinary 'snail' mail is used for advertising, in other words, for 'junk mail'.
Obviously, 'snail mail' is still essential from things like important documents that have to be moved from one place to another, for parcels and for mail and documents that need a signature.
Despite all this, e-business has led to the rise of eBay and online shopping. The goods have to be moved to the customer.

I want to contact the Prince AlWaleed Bin Talal asking him for a financial help in a seriouse need?

I want to contact the Prince AlWaleed Bin Talal asking him for a financial help in a seriouse need?
Dear Sir,I am Puneet Bedi , from New Delhi, INDIA. I am 36yrs old & I am really in need of help to support my family.Prince sir,this is just a personal request to you of some financial support from your side as u are one of the huge supported of youth.sir, I have being trying so many ventures but of no gain. Please HELP my family from financial crisis & my 2 children education ..Hoping that Prince Alwaleed will read my mail & will become my LORD to my Family...with hope..
Puneet Bedi...
( my SOS mail)

Did tamela mann die?

Did tamela mann die?
why did they tamela mann and david mann died

Explain the concept of policy switching?

Explain the concept of policy switching?
This is not a short topic since the question itself is general but I'll get you started.

Policy switching can be used to define any sort of move to a different view than once was had. As with any decision or change in direction, there are benefits and disadvantages of policy switching. Most of the time it's done with great intentions but at times, external forces or long term effects are not taken into account. Over all I would say the term is expressed with negative connotation. The term "changing directions" is used more when trying to describe a positive process.

In a company, a policy switch might be moving to an e-mail ticketing system rather than calling a team directly.

In politics a policy switch typically is done out of political or monetary support pressures.

You could use the term to define how your family operates.

Example: "Our policy was that all the kids would be at home by 1:00AM. I'll change the policy and give everyone until 2:00AM tonight."

How do you use faculty in a sentence?

How do you use faculty in a sentence?
The committee will consist of three faculty members and six students.

How much can I charge an hour for consulting services?

How much can I charge an hour for consulting services?
As much as you want.

Advantages of overdrafts?

Advantages of overdrafts?
A overdraft can ease cases where a very short term, large sum of money is required.
But honestly it will be better terms to argue about the disadvantages of a overdraft, as there are numerous disadvantages.

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

The process of evaluating research before publication is called?

The process of evaluating research before publication is called?
Peer Review

What time does fedex deliver during the day?

What time does fedex deliver during the day?
Anywhere from 7am to 8pm depending on the shipping type

Is the shareholder wealth maximization goal a short-or long-term goal?

Is the shareholder wealth maximization goal a short-or long-term goal?
It's supposed to be a long term goal; but in the current markets short-term prices can raise stock values and get manager bonuses so they may bet tempted to go for more short term goals. Same thing for anyone preparing to sell their business and, for example, retire. Short term profits might get you a higher sal price, but the new buyer might find that that was at the cost of long term profits.For instance you raise short term profits by producing cheaper quality stuff at the same price, but lose customers for new owner down the road.

How can a sole trader raise capital for the business?

How can a sole trader raise capital for the business?

Can you use your Gamestop Edge card to buy items in the store?

Can you use your Gamestop Edge card to buy items in the store?
Well, that depends on what you mean. The Gamestop Edge card is nota credit card, so in that way you cannot use it to pay foranything. It also can only be used in a Gamestop store, not at thegrocery store or something. It does give you a discount on usedgames at Gamestop though, so if you are paying with a credit cardor with cash and buying used games, you can use your Edge card toget a discount.

What makes up a nations infrastructure?

What makes up a nations infrastructure?
services, machinery, roads, and bridges need maintenance

Why do women make less money than men even though they have the same level of education?

Why do women make less money than men even though they have the same level of education?
Two words. Maternity Leave.

Why does a business have creditors?

Why does a business have creditors?
A creditor may supply stock (parts, materials, etc) to a business.This is usually on a credit period of 30 or 90 days before thebusiness is expected to pay for the stock. This credit period willallow a business to, hopefully, produce and sell finished goods,and so be able to pay its creditors on time.

How old do you have to be to be a jury?

How old do you have to be to be a jury?
20 years old if not idk

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

What is the abbrevation of CAR?

What is the abbrevation of CAR?
Convenient Automobile Relocationsystem.

Full form of etc?

Full form of etc?
et cetera

Does London stock market open tomorrow Easter Monday?

Does London stock market open tomorrow Easter Monday?
Easter Monday is a Bank Holiday and as the Banks are Closed so is the London Stock Exchange.

Who approves the national budget?

Who approves the national budget?
Congress of the United States of America, or you could say the legislative branch.

Do you have 50 examples of oration?

Do you have 50 examples of oration?
Oration is to talk publicly, to give a speech.If you 50 examples of a speech, search the web. Do you have any person's speeches in particular?

What is motion to continuance?

What is motion to continuance?
A motion for continuance is a request to the judge to delay or postpone the proceedings.

What is the inventory?

What is the inventory?
Inventory is the complete list of stock a business has on hand - ready for use or sale.

It can also apply to the contents of a building, or home.

What are the things to remember when moving or carrying items?

What are the things to remember when moving or carrying items?
Ask your friends if they ever moved.Then if they did ask if they trust any specific movers.

Monday, May 19, 2014

What is the phone number for knology corporate headquarters?

What is the phone number for knology corporate headquarters?
Contact Information Primary IR Contact M. Todd Holt
Knology, Inc.
Phone: 706-645-8752

When is the Elections day?

When is the Elections day?
Election Day happens every four years-on the first Tuesday after the first Monday in Nobember.

What are the microeconomic effects of world trade?

What are the microeconomic effects of world trade?
That depends on what do you actually define microeconomic.Grobal trading let the resources and goods flow to the suitable places where are high demand of them.And provide more market chance (foreign markets) for those enterprises and companies of a country, so that more jobs are provied in the country.Generally, You can see the employment rate rises after the export rate rised. Especially for those poor and with low working ablities people.On the other hand, the consumer of the import country can have more different goods to choose and also lower prices because of much more competition.My mother language is not english, so may be the writing and grammer are not correct.I hope this may help.

What is an appropriate non-verbal greeting in China?

What is an appropriate non-verbal greeting in China?
Nonverbal language includes not only gestures, which are part of the body language but also mimics, which are facial expressions.

Legally can i request reason why i was not hired?

Legally can i request reason why i was not hired?
No, there is no law stating that an employer has to give you anexplanation for not hiring you.

How do you do CScompany secretory?

How do you do CScompany secretory?
A candidate needs to clear 3 stages to qualify as Company Secretary and these are: Foundation Course Intermediate Course Final CourseThese are the three levels included in the courses on company secretaryship. The details are as follows:

The minimum eligibility to gain entry in the Foundation Course is a pass in 10+2 examination or its equivalent in any stream. The course is of 8 months duration.

Intermediate Course:

A pass in the Foundation Course Examination of the ICSI/Graduation degree or a Master's degree/Pass in ICWAI, ICAI can allow you entry in the intermediate course. The course is of 9 months.
Final Course:Once you pass the Intermediate Course you automatically become eligible for admission to the Final Course.
Foundation Course: One passing the Final examination of ICSI you will need to undergo a practical training after which, you will be completely eligible for the Associate Membership of the Institute.

Company Secretary Training : The Training Orientation Programme (TOP) is for 5 days and is done before commencement of training. This is followed by training for 15 months after the candidate has passed the Intermediate Examination or Final Examination. There is a practical training for 3 months. This is after passing the Final examination and that too, for those, who have been exempted from undergoing the 15 months training. There is a Training with Registrar of Companies (ROC), Stock Exchange, financial or banking institution for 15 days. The Secretarial Modular Training Programme (SMTP) is conducted after the candidate has passed the Final Examination and completed the Training requirement. It is for 15 days. Depending on the practical experience of the candidates, they can be exempted from training completely or partially. Qualities to become a successful Company Secretary:
Candidate must be dedicated and skilled in writing and speaking good English.
Bearing a moral character is important.
Diplomacy should be followed in understanding the company strategies and policies of the company.
Intellectual, Loyal, sophisticated, loyal and meticulous individuals become successful company secretary.

Company Secretary Course Institutes:
The headquarters of the Institute of Company Secretaries of India is situated at :
ICSI House, 22, Institutional Area Lodhi Road, New Delhi 110 003
The institute also has regional offices at Kolkata, Chennai and Mumbai and Delhi besides having four regional councils and thirty six chapters in other important cities of India.
On successfully clearing the Intermediate and Final Courses a candidate is required to serve a training period of 1-2 years with a Company or under a qualified and practicing Company Secretary. On completion of a four months training thereafter the candidate becomes a member of the Institute of the Company Secretaries of India and is assigned a professional membership number and can use the suffix ACS after his / her name. A Fellow Member of the Institute who is normally a senior pro can use the suffix FCS after his / her name.

Company Secretary Course Scope :
Scope in India : With the onward march of globalization in India remaining unabated the corporate sector has witnessed tremendous growth. Numerous companies from diverse fields have emerged on the Indian economic scene and with it the complexities involved in the running of an organization have also skyrocketed. It is here that the role of a Company Secretary is so important to an organization or business house, since he is competent to provide sound advice on corporate, legal, secretarial, administrative and even tax related matters. While a Company Secretary can aspire to get employment opportunities in government accounts or law departments, he can become a Chairman or Managing Director of a Company or be a part of the esteemed Board of Directors of a Company.
A budding and meritorious Company Secretary can hope to start his career with a monthly remuneration of Rs.20,000 - Rs.25,000. However, for an ordinary candidate, a monthly salary of Rs.10, 000 is almost guaranteed.

Scope Abroad: Although Company Secretaries are in great demand in India, in USA, UK and other western countries the profession or the professionals do not find tailor made opportunities. This is because the Company Secretary course is based on the Companies Act 1956, which has its roots in the Indian legal and political system and does not have much relevance outside India. A qualified Company Secretary may however find employment opportunities similar to those available to Business Graduates in either USA, Australia UK or other European countries.

Does executive director outrank Managing director?

Does executive director outrank Managing director?

What are four Ms of resources?

What are four Ms of resources?
Manpower, Machinery, Materials & Money

What is the difference between source of funds and sources of funds?

What is the difference between source of funds and sources of funds?
sources of fund means from where the capital we are getting & source of fund means how we can get the capital.

Can you move to a house?

Can you move to a house?

What options does a small business have for processing payrolls?

What options does a small business have for processing payrolls?
There are several websites that provide payroll processing services for small businesses. Different sites have different services. There are also several types of software that can be purchased to streamline your small business payroll process.

How much can you make from a solar farm?

How much can you make from a solar farm?
you could make millions but it would cost a lot to start up! ;)

Why Aveiro watches are not available in the shops in India?

Why Aveiro watches are not available in the shops in India?
It is in Direct selling so it is not available in shops across India..In India its marketed through Amway .

Sunday, May 18, 2014

What are the effects of globalisation on England's economy?

What are the effects of globalisation on England's economy?

Why is the Marginal cost curve downward sloping?

Why is the Marginal cost curve downward sloping?
Marginal cost curve is u-shaped curve, this is due to law of variable proportion(return to factors), firstly, there is an increasing return (i.e, decreasing cost) then there is a stage of constant returns (i.e, constant cost) then lastly comes the stage of decreasing returns (i.e increasing cost), thats why marginal cost curve first slopes downward and then slope upward and become u-shaped.

How does different jobs relate to math?

How does different jobs relate to math?
in almost every job field you have to calculate something and calculating is math

Why are target groups used?

Why are target groups used?
In business, a target group of people can be
seniors citizens, teens and/or toddlers, for

The target groups are people an organization
directs its advertising message to, and these
people are likely to purchase the organization's
product or service.

Target groups help with an organization's
mission, use of resources and long-term
goals. It's a matter of survival for an
organization to figure-out its target group/

If an organization pin-points the wrong target
groups than it can't make a profit or fulfill its
business mission.

Saturday, May 17, 2014

How do you make mango James?

How do you make mango James?
put james and some fruit in a blender

What is fomatting citation?

What is fomatting citation?
There are two fomatting types; APA and MLA. These conform citations to a specific format. In education, you typically use APA.

Why in roblox do you see number signs instead if words?

Why in roblox do you see number signs instead if words?
Roblox is an open-source game that's mainly directed towards younger audiences. When you see those number signs replacing certain words, it's censoring the word because it is deemed inappropriate or vulgar. Often this is decided by a pre-programmed list of words that are automatically blocked. Many of these are swear words and derogatory remarks. The censor is basically there so you don't have to see it. What you don't know can't hurt you.

When entering a brought forward balance on the debit side of a bank t account where does the credit entry go?

When entering a brought forward balance on the debit side of a bank t account where does the credit entry go?
I was looking for the answer to a similar question with regard to brought forward figures, luckily i know the answer to this one, my accountant told me to create a new account called bank brought forward, and then you credit it to that account. Hope this helps.

Does limited liability make it easier to attract more shareholders?

Does limited liability make it easier to attract more shareholders?
yes, limited liability attracts the investment of share holders.

What occurs when the participants are told only part of the truth or when the truth is fully compromised?

What occurs when the participants are told only part of the truth or when the truth is fully compromised?

What are the names of rich widows of Philippians?

What are the names of rich widows of Philippians?
Imelda Marcos is a famous Filipino widow of former Philippinepresident Ferdinand Marcos. She is also known for her shoecollection.

How much do Air Jordans cost in china?

How much do Air Jordans cost in china?
20 $ but its difficult to find some beacause most of the are fake

Is Finance England the name of a company?

Is Finance England the name of a company?
There is a company called Student Finance England, could that be what you are referring to? There does not seem to be a company that is just called Finance England, however.

What is the fastest selling game of all-time?

What is the fastest selling game of all-time?
Super Mario Bros. Holds the record for best selling video game of all time.

The fastest selling video game of all time, however, which differs from the best selling, is Halo 3 for the Xbox 360 console, selling taking in over US$170 million in its first 24 hours of sales.

What is total quality management?

What is total quality management?
The TQM system as being based on the theory on that, as quality improves, so costs fall through reduced failure rates and less waste.

Friday, May 16, 2014

How you implement planning improvements into your daily work?

How you implement planning improvements into your daily work?
Depending on where the improvements originated is key.
If the policy/procedure improvement(s) are issued by someone seniorto you then its their role to cascade the details down to allpersonel, ensure that upskilling is undertaken. By this its meansthat each person knows what is expected of them their role, how toput the new policy/procedure in to practice and what policy andprocedure it replaces. They then are required to ensure allpersons/departsments that will interact with the improvement knowshow it will effect them, if at all and ensure that the reportingstructure is in place in the event that any issues arise.
Thereafter following the "Denning Process" quality development theycan identify the improvement point, monitor its effectiveness andthen improve on any areas where the policy/procedure does not meetthe expected level of acceptance

Why owners are also managers?

Why owners are also managers?
Owners own the company so they can be or do whatever they want, it's theirs. Same as if you own a pencil, you can write with it, chew on it, give it away, throw it in the trash, and so on. So owners can choose to hire a manager or to be managers themselves!

What is the important subject should take a pilot?

What is the important subject should take a pilot?
If you mean aviation, then you should start with general courses at your local community college or university, If you are not sure where to go, look up some flight schools in your local community, they will gladly point you to an instructor and /or flight studies program.

What is a stock broker?

What is a stock broker?
those who trade on stock exchange are reffered to as stock brokers.

What are the main oil export countries?

What are the main oil export countries?
Here is a slideshow showing each of the main exporters. It is provided by Reuters, and posted on the indiatimes webstire. Hope this helps :)

How much money do you earn as a machinist in a year?

How much money do you earn as a machinist in a year?

How can a firm that don't differentiate much from other products survive?

How can a firm that don't differentiate much from other products survive?
If your product/service is one offered by other companies, the way to differentiate yourself is to offer unparalleled customer service. Go above and beyond for your customers, offer services that might not technically be the norm. Also offer ways for your customers to communicate with you that other companies may not. In this age, convenience is key. Our company gives our customers the opportunity to contact us by email, phone, text, facebook, etc. Basically, whatever way is easiest for them to communicate, we will offer.

What to do when your mom leaves?

What to do when your mom leaves?
Contact your nearest relative, a neighbor, adult friend, teacher or other person you trust and explain the situation and ask for their help.
If there is no one to help contact a government agency such as
Child Protective Services.

What is a sight similar to wordle?

What is a sight similar to wordle?
Because wordle is for a collage of words, we can assume that a sight similar to wordle but not quite a wordle would, in fact, be a collage of pictures.
Now in order to find such a collage, we can type in Google 'collage of [insert name of objects]' for example if I wanted a collage of flowers, I would type 'collage of flowers' and BAM you have 18,100,000 results!

What is the worldwide collection of networks that connets millions of businesses government agencies educational institutions and individuals?

What is the worldwide collection of networks that connets millions of businesses government agencies educational institutions and individuals?
The Internet.

Are there real estate agents to represent me when trying to lease retail space just as if I were buying a house?

Are there real estate agents to represent me when trying to lease retail space just as if I were buying a house?
Yes, there are real estate agents that specialize in commercial property who may represent you as a tenant.

What is a UAF paid item penalty mean I bank with suntrust and i found this on my statement.?

What is a UAF paid item penalty mean I bank with suntrust and i found this on my statement.?
I just found the same thing on my suntrust bank statement, but it's NSF paid items penalty $35 ???
l found a similar charge, stating NSF Paid ltems Penalty-$105. l found this was a charge for overdrawing. . . Very unnecessary charge, but still.

How do you calculate the density of a liquid?

How do you calculate the density of a liquid?
The formula to calculate density of a liquity is the following:Density=mass/volume. The density of liquity consists of grams percentimeter.

Can a tracking device legally be used to see where your staff are?

Can a tracking device legally be used to see where your staff are?
If your staff drive a company vehicle or use a company laptop, phone or other equipment that can be installed with such a device - the answer is yes: They can track any equipment they own. If the equipment is assigned to an employee, and a reasonable person would expect the employee to be using the equipment at the time it sends location data - that is perfectly legal.An employer CANNOT put an ankle bracelet or other tracking device on any person. This would be a clear violation of your right to privacy.

What was the biggest impact of the Industry of London by Cesar Ritz that change the Hospitality Service in London?

What was the biggest impact of the Industry of London by Cesar Ritz that change the Hospitality Service in London?
I say the biggest change was worldwide notoriety

What are Puttable Financial Instruments?

What are Puttable Financial Instruments?
Those are instruments that give holders the right to put instruments back to the issuer for another financial assets (like cash). Put procedure could be automatic in case of retirement or death of holder, or in case of any uncertain future events.

What is Pharmacoeconomics?

What is Pharmacoeconomics?
Pharmacoeconomics evaluate the effectiveness of existing and new prescription drugs in relation to their risks and costs. It is the study of how medications are used by physicians and patients; it helps to develop methods for optimal prescription drug use.

Who owns the UPS company?

Who owns the UPS company?
UPS is a stand alone company.
Their board has some well known companies represented

Ann M. Livermore Executive Vice President, Technology Solutions Group, Hewlett-Packard Company
D. Scott Davis Chairman and Chief Executive Officer
John W. Thompson Chairman of the Board and Retired CEO, Symantec Corporation
Michael L. Eskew Former Chairman and Chief Executive Officer
Stuart E. Eizenstat Head of International Trade and FinanceCovington & Burling
Carol Tome Executive Vice President - Chief Financial Officer, The Home Depot
Duane Ackerman Chairman Emeritus, BellSouth CorporationMichaelJ.Burns Former Chief Officer President Dana Corporation
Rudy Markham Retired CFO, Unilever
William R. Johnson Chairman, President and Chief Executive Officer, H. J. Heinz Company

What are the differences between hrm and pm?

What are the differences between hrm and pm?
HRM is Human Resource Management, and involves hiring, retaining,administrating, training and dismissal of employees in a company.
PM is Project Management, and involves teamwork required to reach aparticular goal, such as completing an IT transition or building ahouse. In this case you govern specific people in a team, assetsrequired to complete all tasks and monitor quality and progress.

How can I change the password for clickbank?

How can I change the password for clickbank?

You can go to your ClickBank account then change your password.

Good luck!

Best Regard,


How do you trade on commodity market in India related?

How do you trade on commodity market in India related?
To trade in commodities, you need to go through an authorized commodity exchange. In India, there are three main multi-commodity exchanges - the National Commodity and Derivative Exchange, the Multi Commodity Exchange of India Ltd and the National Multi Commodity Exchange of India Ltd. All the three exchanges have established electronic trading systems.

What information does a invoice address involve?

What information does a invoice address involve?
Invoice address

How much does a wooden door weight?

How much does a wooden door weight?
depends upon

1) Mass of door
2) size of door and
3) Which planet the door is being weighed upon

What time does direct depoist go in?

What time does direct depoist go in?
It depends on a variety of factors, but the main ones are a) when your employer (or whoever) sends the money, b) when your bank gets the money, c) when your bank processes the money, and d) when your bank posts the change in your balance. Many go in between the first hour or so of the day (1201am-0130am, for instance), but not all.

Thursday, May 15, 2014

What do you call someone that creates a dance?

What do you call someone that creates a dance?
You would call them a choreographer. I'm not sure how's its spelt but I know that that is what they are called.

Is the career in gymnastics growing or shrinking?

Is the career in gymnastics growing or shrinking?

What shall never be required as a qualifcation to any office in the US?

What shall never be required as a qualifcation to any office in the US?
Religious test -"but no religious Test shall ever be required as a Qualification to any Office or public Trust under the United States."
Article VI, Paragraph 3

How hr can be transformed?

How hr can be transformed?

What are the websites for free download for playing long time with out buying the game?

What are the websites for free download for playing long time with out buying the game?
There is a website where you could download games and play a long time without buying the game. It's called RealArcade. It has a lot of games. My personal favorite website for those kinds of games is Yahoo! Games.

How do you describe Annie leibovitz work?

How do you describe Annie leibovitz work?
Leibovitz is a former Rolling Stone and Vanity Fair photojournalist and advertising photographer, renown as one of the best portrait photographers.
Her style throughout her various projects has been characterized by carefully staged settings, superb lighting, and her trademark use of vivid color. Her compositions are renowned for dramatic, quirky, crisp, well-lighted and iconic portraits of a great variety of celebrities, public officials and other high profile personalities.

What is passive income?

What is passive income?
Passive income is a rent received on a regular basis

When and where did taxi service originate?

When and where did taxi service originate?
There has been for hire transportation since the first cities.
You could hire a sedan chair carried by four slaves in ancient Rome before the birth of Christ.
By the way there were no Horses or wheeled vehicles allowed in Rome during daylight hours.

How legitimate is the business called Chandler Hill Partners?

How legitimate is the business called Chandler Hill Partners?
I was told on more than one occasion that CH was a "retained search firm" and that 95% of their clients found positions this way and had fees paid.

Beginning in April 2009, I contacted Chandler Hill via website after seeing a webpage that indicated they had positions to fill for companies looking for people in certain disciplines. I submitted my resume and was contacted a few days later, and set up an appointment to meet with Jon Vargo in the Houston office. During this meeting he said that only 15% of available jobs were filled through the usual method of resume submission. The rest were filled through direct contact, and they had an upper edge because they were a retained search firm and they had special contacts in companies that allowed them to bypass the usual hiring method. I took a Myers-Briggs test. Based on the results, he said that my personality was receiving offers on an average of 35 days, and that I was qualified to be placed for a Director, possibly Vice President position. He then required my wife to attend a presentation where she was given the same sales pitch. It was this promise of them being able to bypass the usual employment gatekeepers and presenting me at a higher level to companies that relieved her concerns that this was a scam. I would not have gone with this scheme without her agreement based on their statements. I have other documentation to back up my statements. All of the other complaints that I have found online recently should also reinforce my statement. Absolutely nothing was said about clients using the "referral interview" method of finding employment, which it turns out is the only procedure that they use. The name of a specific HR person at Schlumberger located down the street from this office came up repeatedly during all of these meetings.

The contract that I signed had a sentence "Client acknowledges that CHP is not a placement agency..." The description of services provided by JonVargo were not indicative of a placement agency, therefore this sentence did not concern me. The Campaign Strategy in the agreement did not exclude the type of services as outlined by JonVargo either. He said they present me to certain contacts they have in a large number of companies via the video resume they produce. NOTHING was said about relying on the "referral interview" method of employment marketing until the very end of the Preparation phase. Why else would they produce a "video resume?" This product is completely useless with referral interviews.

The contract states that the value of Part 1 Services is $5287.50, and on reflection after the fact, there is no way these services are even close. I responded to prepared questions with answers that I already knew. There was no deep soul-searching to find the inner me as expected and implied.

I received a letter from Ms. Hill that says in the first meeting (between Jon Vargo and I), I was not under any false expectations regarding their services. My response to that is Ms. Hill was not there, I did not yet know what services were implied in the sales pitch or what services were provided in reality. I expected more than what was received based on the website that introduced me to CHP and implied that they had employers looking for employees.

What is carpenters call out charge?

What is carpenters call out charge?
call out fee

What type of values does a valid values list (VVL) contain?

What type of values does a valid values list (VVL) contain?
List of values for an accounting code segment

Address of ceo for mbna Canada headquarters?

Address of ceo for mbna Canada headquarters?
po box 8614
Ottawa on K1G 6e6

Slope of demand curve?

Slope of demand curve?
Is always negative. (should be in all caps for emphasis)

How do you get W-2 information from a company that closed?

How do you get W-2 information from a company that closed?
If they used a payroll processing company such as ADP, you might try contacting them.

If it is for 2008, follow these procedures:,,id=106470,00.html

If it is for a previous year, call the IRS at 1-800-829-1040 and they will be able to send you a copy of the federal portion. Call your state tax agency and see if they can send you a copy of the state portion.

What can be a good name for a technology related newsletter?

What can be a good name for a technology related newsletter?
TechnewsletterTechnoletterThe Geek Leak or The Geek PeakThat's all I've got...

What is about forza integrated corporation?

What is about forza integrated corporation?
Forza Integrated Corporation is a Philippine business. It islocated in Pasay City, Manila, Philippines. They are hiring formotivated professionals who are under 26 years of age.

How can use in a sentence has organised?

How can use in a sentence has organised?
iba na talaga

How do you write a letter requesting for price reduction?

How do you write a letter requesting for price reduction?
Be polite when you write a letter requesting a price reduction.State your reasons for asking for the reduction. For example, ifyou could get something for less money elsewhere, mention this.Once you state your reasons, ask for the person to consider yourrequest and end the letter by letting the person know that you areawaiting their response.

What is a solution to the system?

What is a solution to the system?
The question does not contain sufficient information for an answer.

The solution would be the point of intersection of the graphical representation of all equations within the system.

Why is money not considered as a factor of production?

Why is money not considered as a factor of production?
Money is considered to be a factor used in trade, mostly. Money is used to trade or sell or buy something and for production to move as well. It can be a huge factor that contribute to production but it mostly envelopes the trade industry.

What are the effects or impacts of leadership in organisation?

What are the effects or impacts of leadership in organisation?
Leadership in an organisation is playing a very important roll, leadership like a driver if leader ship is good the organisation will make more profit,good relation among the staff, good working culture and will keep the organisation to compete in the business, and if it bad only God know what to do

Are there Winn-Dixie Supermarkets in the northeast?

Are there Winn-Dixie Supermarkets in the northeast?

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Sample of business proposals?

Sample of business proposals?
Usually Business proposals are written to explain offer provided by a seller. It acts as a key step in complex process of the sales.

The physical appearance of an organism?

The physical appearance of an organism?
It is what you see when you look at it.

How much does a British sterling five pound note weigh?

How much does a British sterling five pound note weigh?
Heavier when it is your last!

0.812 grams

Was thomas hobbes a politician?

Was thomas hobbes a politician?
As I'm concerned... yup

Benefits for being a vet?

Benefits for being a vet?
The benefits of being a vet including working with animals. Anotherbenefit is developing relationships with a large array of people.

How many diagonals does a 2d decagon have?

How many diagonals does a 2d decagon have?
54 Diagonals.

How do you sign up to word press?

How do you sign up to word press?
Go to, and on the right side of the page is the option to sign up now. Press that, enter your information, and your good to go!

What's the net worth of little Caesars pizza?

What's the net worth of little Caesars pizza?
The price of little Caesars pizza starts at $5.00 for cheese apepperoini.

How you get free admission in Sweden?

How you get free admission in Sweden?
Education at state-run universities in Sweden is free for all students, EU and non-EU students. Although there are no tuition fees, you will have to pay a small but compulsory fee to the student union (in Swedish studentkr), and of course you will have to pay for your books and living expenses.

If you finally decide to study in Sweden, you will have to submit your application electronically through

How much money did McDonald's make in 1996?

How much money did McDonald's make in 1996?
40 millon dollars because then they had amazing food.

How do you turn rates into percentages?

How do you turn rates into percentages?
I believe you just divide the top number, or numerator, by the bottom number; denominator. Or, you could set up an equation like x/100 = the ratio in fraction form and cross multiply. Your x value in this case would be your percentage. I wish I was still doing simple math like this :)

How to best list different departments in organisation?

How to best list different departments in organisation?
i beieve at first you need to consider to size of the business and mostly how much is required to reach a goal of an organisation

A tax on real state or personal property?

A tax on real state or personal property?
tax on real estate or personal property

Who is an employee of a bank?

Who is an employee of a bank?
Anyone collecting a paycheck from the bank that they are working at. Examples, tellers, managers, supervisors, clerks, secretaries, security officers (if they are not contracted out) and janitors (it they are not contracted out.

Anyone employed by the bank.

How are condutors and insulators different?

How are condutors and insulators different?
A conductor is any material that allows an electric current to pass through easily and an insulator is a material that stops or slows energy

What country are Puma brand clothing made in?

What country are Puma brand clothing made in?
the country is china very simple

Actually, Puma clothes and shoes are made in a variety of countries. Yes, most are in southeast Asia, but, taking a look at just the Puma clothes I have at home, Indonesia shows up a lot as well as Viet Nam, Cambodia, Bangladesh, India and Malaysia. I used to work at Puma, and when I was it footwear, I noticed a lot that most of the shoes are made in Indonesia, followed by Viet Nam, with almost none coming from China.

For a contract what goes in the blank executed in?

For a contract what goes in the blank executed in?
The location of the person signing, at the moment of signature. e.g. Executed in Los Angeles, California on February 24, 2010.

What s revenue?

What s revenue?
Revenue is money made from the sale of goods or services.

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Bba universities in Pakistan?

Bba universities in Pakistan?
yeah LUMS , IBA , CBM , NUST and szebist are top BBA universities of pakistan

What does Sukhjinder mean?

What does Sukhjinder mean?
A person who wins happiness.

What was Mary Kay Ash age at death?

What was Mary Kay Ash age at death?
She was 83.

How do scalpers get tickets at discounted rates?

How do scalpers get tickets at discounted rates?
The tickets were to yesterday's game.

Communication and leadership?

Communication and leadership?
Communication is the best for all works. Your head or superior with them counseling and communication is the best for all works. Leadership is the Super work learn highly books.

What are the types of computer according to use?

What are the types of computer according to use?
The different types of Computers according to use are Personal Computers,Laptops,Super Computers,Mini Frame Computers,Palm PC's,etc,.

How did the achievements on the Scientific Revolution contribute to the Enlightenment?

How did the achievements on the Scientific Revolution contribute to the Enlightenment?
The achievements of the Scientific Revolution contributed to theEnlightenment by changing the way people thought. Scientificsuccess convinced Europeans of the power of human reasoning tosolve the problems of society.

What kind of worm looks like moving grains of white rice coming out of your butt?

What kind of worm looks like moving grains of white rice coming out of your butt?
Well, its called night white. Those are tape worms

How many degrees does Robert mugabe have?

How many degrees does Robert mugabe have?
12 degrees, 7 of which are pure degrees which he worked (studied) for.

What is a file cabinet use for?

What is a file cabinet use for?
It's a cabinet used to store files and other documents.

What is the formula for calculation a bonus based on profit while deduction the bonus your calculating from the profit figure?

What is the formula for calculation a bonus based on profit while deduction the bonus your calculating from the profit figure?
hey here comes the answer of calculating bonus=overtime hours multiplied by rate per hour ..........thanks

What credit score is fair credit?

What credit score is fair credit?
That would depend on what you are using your credit report for as many industries have changed their criteria for credit lending. For example, in the mortgage industry fair credit use to be it is 680-720...

What is zero property?

What is zero property?
the zero porperty is the same factor equaling the property of negative one

Is Ohio a wet funding state?

Is Ohio a wet funding state?
Yes, pursuant to Ohio Rev Code sections 1349.21,1349.22.Nearly all states are "wet" states. Dry states are Alaska (depending on loan amount)Arizona, California,Hawaii, Idaho, Nevada, New Mexico, Oregon, Washington. Rhode Island depends on the type of transaction.Chances are, if it's not one of the above states, it's almost guaranteed to be a "wet" state.

How do you say please in Thai?

How do you say please in Thai?
ka-ru-naPlease note that this cannot be used by itself, but should be used in front of the request sentence, i.e. karuna <do this>, karuna <do that>.

What are the value of economist to society?

What are the value of economist to society?
Good economists, with a sense of practicality and a good eye for business are essential in our world, with so many companies running. They know what to invest their customers' money in and when to buy and sell a company's shares at the Stock Exchange, for instance.

What to say when applying for a job?

What to say when applying for a job?
When applying for a job, it's very tricky to find out what to do and what not to, because it all adds up to whether or not you get hired. Depending on what job you're applying for, an average job list is below.
- Show up very clean and tidy to the first meeting. Wearing clothing with good taste, which shows you take care of yourself.
- Be prepared to answer questions like, "Why do you feel you can handle this job?" or "Why should I hire you and not the next person?"
-Show confidence while speaking. Stuttering or saying too much of one word like, "um", "well", "like" or "you know" shows you aren't prepared nor professional. Speak loud and clearly.
-Show you want this job. Tell your talents and how they are helpful to your potential job.
-Bring along a resum that's either edited or shared with someone with current job, or knows the particular format. It shows a lot about your previous jobs and talents that a boss would like to know.
-Don't give up. No one succeeds at this the first time, so keep trying.
Good luck!

How do you double youre money?

How do you double youre money?
If I wanted to double my money here is what I would do. I would look for a property that was for sale at a bargan price. You don't want to pay too much and take a loss. Then rent out the property. If you could rent it for 10 percent of the cost, then in ten years you would have doubled your investment. You would not have double the money until you sold the land. Then you would might have another gain or loss. Lets hope after 10 years it would be a gain.If the rent after taxes gave you over 10 percent then it would take you even less than 10 years to double your money.There are many other ways. I just said how I would do it.

How would you describe a balance sheet?

How would you describe a balance sheet?
Balance sheets list assets (things that are owned), liabilities (debts), and net worth (assets minus liabilities).

Monday, May 12, 2014

Who are successful businessman?

Who are successful businessman?
as we know in India there r so many businessmen, but i think that an ideal businerssman is that whose main concern is to serve society, bcoz it is the socuiety for whom he is going to do business ,if there is no society then we cant imagine any type of business,bcoz every business in the world is for human beings,to serve them with goods and services which u r going to produce in ur business.
after that successful businessmen are those people who are consistently meeting the expectations of their customers.

How do you use kerplunk in a sentence?

How do you use kerplunk in a sentence?
Despite the best efforts of a talented team of dedicated professionals, the whole business went kerplunk!

What is the address for BJ's corporate office?

What is the address for BJ's corporate office?
They are at :

Bjs Wholesale Club
1 Mercer Rd
Natick, MA 01760-2400


Resolving an IP address to a host name is what type of lookup?

Resolving an IP address to a host name is what type of lookup?

What corporations has IBM acquired?

What corporations has IBM acquired?
Candle Corporation

Full form of cmo?

Full form of cmo?
Check Mii Out
Cetyl Myristoleate, a health supplement
Chief Medical Officer

Chief marketing officer

People and Groups
Canadian Mathematical Olympiad
Chi Mei Optoelectronics, producer of TFT LCD panels
Cyprus Mathematical Olympiad

Team bizz duniya

Can you find price elasticity if there is no change in price?

Can you find price elasticity if there is no change in price?
There must be a change in the price to calculate the priceelasticity. Elasticity depends on the changes in the demand of agood or service based on the change in the price of a good orservice.

How oxygen use commercially in business?

How oxygen use commercially in business?
Industrial uses : As a source of fuel to melt metals, Cosmetics, Hospitals

What is an idea map?

What is an idea map?
An Idea Map is a tool that organizes and clarifies your thoughts in visual manner through the use of key words and images.

Idea Maps have a rich heritage in Mind Maps with one difference. Mind Maps by definition are held to a strict set of laws. Idea Maps combine the excellent aspects of mind mapping with the freedom to break the laws.
Idea maps can provide the following benefits:
- Increased Productivity - Increased Creativity - The ability to see relationships between ideas that are not apparent in linear documents - In the development of an idea map, you can capture and organize ideas as they come to you rather than taking a more typical sequential approach - Clarity of thought - Memory Improvement ...and many more
Applications are limitless, but here are a few examples: - Creating and delivering presentations - Developing a corporate or personal vision/mission - Project Planning - Event Planning - Book Summaries - Brainstorming - Decision Making - Studying - Taking Notes ...and many more

What do you have to do to acquire a pattent for your product?

What do you have to do to acquire a pattent for your product?
File for a patent with the patent office describing invention and outlining the other inventions in that field and describing convincingly how yours is different from the rest. Almost certain to need patent attorney.

How can poetrey help you get a job?

How can poetrey help you get a job?
Sometimes having a poetry related item on your resume it looks good. Or it's relaxing so you might do better at a job interview

What is the swot analysis of NASCAR?

What is the swot analysis of NASCAR?

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Is there a empire of limewire?

Is there a empire of limewire?
Nope and It has been Shut down, they are currently in court.

Which natwest branch has the sort code 60-03-27?

Which natwest branch has the sort code 60-03-27?
Nat West
9 York Buildings

What does the name Solange mean?

What does the name Solange mean?
the name solange means peaceful

What is the gnp in Japan?

What is the gnp in Japan?
The gross national product of Japan is $4,852. It is the second highest in the world after the United States.

Who are most famous characters in literature?

Who are most famous characters in literature?
Here's one man's top 12 list and they are from literature, not comic books, TV or the movies, and are real people, and not just Americans. Authors name in parentheses.1. Sherlock Holmes (Arthur Conan Doyle)2. Hamlet (Shakespeare)3. Ulysses (Homer)4. The Count of Monte Cristo (Alexander Dumas)5. Anna Karenina (Leo Tolstoy)6. Huckelberry Finn (Mark Twain)7. Faust (Johann Wolfgang Goethe)8. Don Quixote (Miguel de Cervantes)9. David Copperfield (Charles Dickens)10. Macbeth (Shakespeare)11. Oedipus (Sophocles)12. Hercule Poirot (Agatha Christie)Nicholas FullerDec. 28, 2008

Cory has 24 more than twice as much as Stan together they have 150 How much money does each have?

Cory has 24 more than twice as much as Stan together they have 150 How much money does each have?
Just work backwards.
3x+24=150 where Stan has x and Cory has 2x


Then Cory has twice as much as Stan, so there are three 'units' total. This is where 3x comes from.


Stan has x=42
Cory has 2x=84

Hope this helped


Post doctoral study programmes in political science in India?

Post doctoral study programmes in political science in India?
please let me know

Is a billion a 1000 million or a million million?

Is a billion a 1000 million or a million million?
A billion is 1000 million in the United States.
In the UK it is a million million.

* * * * *

In the UK since the middle 1960s, a million has officially been a thousand million - not a million million.

What is the implication of electronic data interchange business?

What is the implication of electronic data interchange business?
In my view being in Africa it will and would greatly transform life take road related waste in Africa accidents, deaths, ware and tear and road related health imlication its estimated is more than all aide given to Africa yet many avoidable movement exposing people to danger that could be done using EDI am planning to start one for local traders in the rural Botswana i have just got my ADSL on please any advise is well come am kafeero David Take am riginally from Uganda i want to set up an African dress ware via net from my home to Botswana am also a creative writer in general and Christian matters i need where i would write articles for some fee

What are the costs of setting up a business?

What are the costs of setting up a business?
500,000 pounds
in france

Are TNC's good or bad?

Are TNC's good or bad?
They're magical.

What happened to Florida College of business in Pompano Beach Fl?

What happened to Florida College of business in Pompano Beach Fl?
I am not sure.  I graduated from there in 84 and over paid for my AS Degree.  i took out student loans, and received government grants, but there is no proof the college ever existed other than an old letter i have from the department of education.  unfortunately now the dept of education is denying the schools existence.  we you a graduate there?  we need to poll our resources and get our degrees validated, and hopefully get our transcripts. student Betty Willis (Harris)

Do Small Businesses Require Receipts For Purchases Of Under 75?

Do Small Businesses Require Receipts For Purchases Of Under 75?
You will findsome good applications let's focus on this too. Locate one andemploy it. Then you've your records all tabulated for youpersonally. It's really a habit, but once you understand to get itdone, it will be is simple.

Why is primary sector important to a country's economy?

Why is primary sector important to a country's economy?
The sector of an economy making direct use of natural resources. This includes agriculture, forestry and fishing, mining, and extraction of oil and gas. This is contrasted with the secondary sector, producing manufactures and other processed goods, and the tertiary sector, producing services. The primary sector is usually most important in less developed countries, and typically less important in industrial countries.

What is the phone number for Disney Corporate office?

What is the phone number for Disney Corporate office?
(818) 560-1000

Is a managing director an employee?

Is a managing director an employee?
Yes, almost always. However the term 'employee' generally means someone who has an employment contract with the firm, and this might not always be the case with a managing director - they might have a consulting agreement although that is probably less common.The term 'managing director' (which is used in many countries including the UK) generally means the same as 'chief executive officer' (a term that originated in the USA).As the title suggests, the managing director is a member of the board of directors, but may not be the chair of the board (in UK businesses these roles are usually split).The managing director in most businesses would be the most senior executive post: the person who leads the company on a day to day basis and reports to the board of directors. However note that in some professional services businesses the job title of 'managing director' is sometimes given to less senior people.

Is it normal for shoes heel tips to fall off after two months and is it considered wear and tear or fault?

Is it normal for shoes heel tips to fall off after two months and is it considered wear and tear or fault?

Saturday, May 10, 2014

How much is 120203x10198383?

How much is 120203x10198383?
yo mama use a calculatoryo mama use a calculator

What jobs can a 14 year old have in Florida?

What jobs can a 14 year old have in Florida?
In the state of Florida, a 14 year old can get a job as ababysitter, dog walker, or bagger at a grocery store.

Is there a place that shows where the US billionaires made or got their money?

Is there a place that shows where the US billionaires made or got their money?
Probably the most reliable source is Forbes that provides an annuallist of the wealthiest people on the planet. You can find this liston Forbes' website or by Googling "Forbes Richest List". The sitealso very briefly explains where the people have got their wealth,like you can see with Bill Gates. It shows he has got most of hismoney from investments and Microsoft. If you want furtherinformation, the best way is to do a little searching around thebillionaire's name.

If a company has a past due account under a certain amount will they still send it to a collection agency?

If a company has a past due account under a certain amount will they still send it to a collection agency?
It all depends on the amount owed and the company owed to.

How interdependent Italy is?

How interdependent Italy is?
Italy depends on the cooperation of other countries for economicgains. Trading is an important business for Italy and otherinterdependent countries.

Why is time so important in services?

Why is time so important in services?
Your question is a little vague but I think you're asking about the importance of the time of the person performing a service for payment, example: housekeeper, technical support, customer service call center employee, etc.

From the perspective of the service provider:
Different from selling an actual product, in providing a service what someone is actually selling is their time. Time not spent rendering service to a paying customer is time wasted in the mind of the service provider. Literally, time is money.

From the perspective of the customer:
When a customer hires someone to perform a service, it is almost always beneficial to the customer to have the service completed as quickly as possible; whether it's to save money on paying an hourly fee, to meet a deadline, or because the service being performed solves an existing problem that could be costing the customer money or simply be a hassle for the customer like having a computer system go down.

What is the relationship between critical success factors and key performance indicators?

What is the relationship between critical success factors and key performance indicators?
Critical Success Factors are what the company has to be good at in order to meet its objectives i.e. "provide excellent customer service"
Key Performance Indicators are what the company is going to measure in order to ascertain how it is performing against its critical success factors i.e. "customer satisfaction"
Performance Targets are the specific values that the business wants to achieve, that will indicate that it is meeting its critical success factors i.e. "90% of customers rate service 'excellent' or 'good'"
Therefore, key performance indicators measure to what extent a company is executing on its critical success factors.

Did they have lamps in 75 AD and if so what type?

Did they have lamps in 75 AD and if so what type?
No they did not

What is financial services and financial products?

What is financial services and financial products?
Financial products are the products you can redeem, en cash rather than hard money like Insurance, mutual funds, shares and stocks

Financial service is very broad in nature - that include providing services for financial products

guidance for insurance, rendering all the services related to insurance.

Financial planing

Advising for selection best investment option, advising for suitable mutual fund/stocks etc

Credit management, liasoning and arrangement for investment or credit etc..

In short financial service include

Wealth management
Financial Planing
Credit - Short term medium term long term loans for business
Home loan
Property Loan
Investment banking/merchant banking
IPO services

Why stakeholders are important in the change process?

Why stakeholders are important in the change process?
Stakeholders and change management

What do you mean by receivable accounts?

What do you mean by receivable accounts?
Accounts receivable is the money that is owed to a company by its customers. Accounts
Receivable is included in the asset column on a balance sheet. Money which is owed to a company by a customer for products and services provided on credit. This is often treated as a current asset on a balance sheet. A specific sale is generally only treated as an account receivable after the customer is sent an invoice.

What time does comcast open in vallejo?

What time does comcast open in vallejo?
you should check comcast's web's site but they open at 10am

Who was the first black woman elected to the US senate in 1992?

Who was the first black woman elected to the US senate in 1992?
Carol Mosley Braun, a democrat from Illinois, was the first blackfemale senator. She was in office from 1993-1999.

What is the difference between inherent leadership and acquired leadership?

What is the difference between inherent leadership and acquired leadership?
the inherent leadership is the leadership by birth ex. if any one is leader in India their grandsons also will become as leaders though they may not have leadership qualities and this is not necessary
acquired leadership is leadership gain because of environmental forces and situations
ex. some body became as a leader by participating in the elections

Samples on how to writing handing over letters?

Samples on how to writing handing over letters?

What is better Verizon or t -mobile?

What is better Verizon or t -mobile?
Verizon is way better than T-Mobile and At&T.

What does a movie theater manager get paid.?

What does a movie theater manager get paid.?
Managers are usually paid hourly. It depends on the theatre and the state. I work at a theatre and the manager are hourly besides the high up General and Senior manager, all others are hourly. This ranges from $11 to $16 /Hour.

What is the current price of the Japanese yen in US dollars?

What is the current price of the Japanese yen in US dollars?
As of 11/20/2014, the yen is about $0.008. The inverse is thatthere are about 117.6 JPY to the dollar.

What is environmental sensitivity?

What is environmental sensitivity?
Environmental sensitivity is a type of medical condition. A personwith this condition is overly sensitive to and becomes ill fromitems in their environment.

How much money do bank owners make a year?

How much money do bank owners make a year?
Do you mean commercial banks or investment banks?

How much standard VAT?

How much standard VAT?
Varies with country-some have no luxury tax on imports

What are six high level business functions typical of most companies?

What are six high level business functions typical of most companies?
Marketing, Sales, Finance, Operations, Technology, Administrationare six high-level business functions typical of most companies.

What are finance topics for mphil?

What are finance topics for mphil?
Suggest me some topics for my research project for M.phil in Finance

How i start or open insurece company?

How i start or open insurece company?
Well,start slowly. Get someone who will give yo money. Then pay it back when you get loads of custormers

Friday, May 9, 2014

What was the best investment in 2015?

What was the best investment in 2015?
Many experts are saying that health care and fresh water companieswill be the investment trend of 2015.

Why must most vehicles in the world run on fossil fuels?

Why must most vehicles in the world run on fossil fuels?
There is a history of gasoline and diesel vehicles. The infrastructure to fuel these vehicles is already in place contrary to an all electric, NG, or Hydrogen vehicle of which there is almost no in fracture to refuel them. The technology has progressed to the point that vehicles today are very clean, and get fantastic mileage. Also price is a consideration.

At what time does target close?

At what time does target close?
Mon-Sat: 10pm or 11pm
Sun: 9pm or 10pm
It also depends where you live so you can use a store locator. Here is the link address- title=store_locator_new&ref=nav_footer_storelocator

What is the different between technical Report and Non-technical report?

What is the different between technical Report and Non-technical report?
Both reports may answer the same technical question, but theTechnical Report would assume a technical background on theaudience and explain accordingly. The Non-technical Report wouldassume a general background of the audience, and must explaintechnical terms so the ideas come across.

How many employees does Office Depot have?

How many employees does Office Depot have?
As of January 26, 2008, we had approximately 49,000 employees worldwide.

What website lets you advertise and add a product at the same time?

What website lets you advertise and add a product at the same time?
The link posted below in the "Related Links" section lets you create ads. You can also add a product, but I would recommend creating ads first. By creating ads you can make way more money and get more noticed about your product. There are 2 different types of ads you can make which are "advertisements" and "video advertisements". "Advertisements" are like poster advertisements, advertisements you would find on websites, magazines, newspapers, etc. "Video Advertisements" are like commercials you would find on TV, online, YouTube videos, video sites, etc. Before you make an advertisement you would have to sign up. After you've completed your profile information, either click on the "Advertisements/Create an Ad" or move the cursor to "More" and then click on "Video Ads/Create a Video Ad". If you want to create "advertisements", click on "Advertisements/Create an Ad". After you've clicked on that, click on "Post New Entry". After you've clicked on that also, you will come to a menu which you can add all these variations of text and images. To make a good advertisement I would start out with a catchy phrase and a picture to go along with it. After you've completed your advertisement, submit it and your advertisement will appear in this section and will also be appeared anywhere else. If you want to create "video advertisements", move your cursor to "More" and then click on "Video Ads/Create a Video Ad". After you've clicked on that, click on "Record Video". After you've clicked on that also, enter the title you want to name your video advertisement and record your video advertisement. After you are done recording your video advertisement, click "Publish" and congratulations your video advertisement has now appeared in this section and will appear anywhere else.

How does one obtain commercial financing for their business?

How does one obtain commercial financing for their business?
"A person looking to start a business could talk to the same bank that handles his or her personal finances. Due to a personal relationship, the bank may be willing to consider a small business loan."

What is to hold together firmly?

What is to hold together firmly?
it is to calsdf

Should you verify a customer's complaint?

Should you verify a customer's complaint?

Does Jennifer love hewitt like deaf people?

Does Jennifer love hewitt like deaf people?
I hope she like them

What are some big industries of Columbia?

What are some big industries of Columbia?
From everything i heard, its cocain all the way baby!

What is the importance of business administration?

What is the importance of business administration?
It provide services and product to the customers

How do you use intermission in a sentence?

How do you use intermission in a sentence?
the intermission was about 15 minutes long

Thursday, May 8, 2014

What is devident payout ratio?

What is devident payout ratio?
Dividend payout ratio is the fraction of net income a firm pays to its stockholders in dividends. The portion of the earnings not paid to investors is allocated towards investment to provide for future earnings growth. Investors seeking high current income and limited capital growth prefer companies with a high dividend payout ratio. However investors seeking capital growth may prefer lower payout ratio because capital gains are taxed at a lower rate.

Payout Ratio a.k.a Dividend Payout Ratio is the ratio that tell us the amount of dividend paid by the company to its common stock holders in comparison to its total income for the same time period. This percentage tells us how much dividend is paid by a company in comparison to its total revenues.


DPR = Dividends Paid / Net Income for the same time period

A Good DPR is always a sign of a well performing company. If two stocks from the same industry are picked for comparison, the one with the higher DPR always scores more than the one that has little or no DPR.

What is the difference between modern and classical law?

What is the difference between modern and classical law?
modern law= almost all about money
classical law= almost all about morals

What does PDCT mean?

What does PDCT mean?
Portable Data Collection Terminals

Which room in the White House does the president sleep in?

Which room in the White House does the president sleep in?
There is a designated "Master Bedroom" in the residential part of the White House on the second floor; however, there are roughly ten more bedrooms in the second and third floors of the White House (the private residential area of the First Family), on top of the fact that the President is entitled to use any room in the White House for any purpose that he would like; he could literally set up a bed in the Oval Office and declare that his bedroom (some Presidents have used an office in the Old Executive Office Building across the street, after all).

With that in mind it is near impossible to answer your question with any degree of certainty, but it is most likely that the Obamas use the Master Bedroom as many Presidents have before them.

How can a public limited company raise fund to finance its multinational expansion?

How can a public limited company raise fund to finance its multinational expansion?
1. Have a history of growth and profitable operations.
2. Have the documents required by the U.S. securities laws; specifically, the Securities Act of 1933.

How do you include after a quote who was the person who said?

How do you include after a quote who was the person who said?
With a parenthetical citation. Which looks like this:
"Quote............" (Author and/or page number(s)).

What are the benefits for conferencing?

What are the benefits for conferencing?
Businesses everywhere are beginning to realize the advantages of using a phone conferencing system. Phone conferencing solutions save your company costs on business travel and accommodation, and facilitate vital meetings under mission-critical conditions.

What are some disadvantages of the English majors?

What are some disadvantages of the English majors?
The biggest disadvantage English Majors have is getting a job after college. The main uses of majoring in English are teaching English in high school or going on to Law School. At one time English Majors could get jobs as reporters. Those jobs are vanishing. Engineering jobs go to engineering school graduates. Jobs in business go to people who majored in business. It is harder to get a job with a degree in English. You do not have a specialty. All you have for a potential employer is the proof that you have good work habits and some brains.

What gets put onto the dress blue bravos?

What gets put onto the dress blue bravos?
Dress Blue Bravos are ribbons and Shooting Badges

What is a list of companies that use sweatshop labor?

What is a list of companies that use sweatshop labor?
Company's' using "sweatshop" labor (labour) are not readily published in the public domain. It is however, wise to always enquire where a company sources its products from - those able to demonstrate its work in the "Fair Deal" environment maybe worth patronising.

Has lumberjacks business grown or declined?

Has lumberjacks business grown or declined?
hello yeas they have declined

What is one primary catalyst for encouraging mass consumption in the marketplace?

What is one primary catalyst for encouraging mass consumption in the marketplace?

What is a limited mandate?

What is a limited mandate?
when you cant date a amn because hes expired

What are the top 10 most famous cities in the world?

What are the top 10 most famous cities in the world?
1 Tokyo,japan
2 Mexico city,Mexico
3 Seoul,south Korea
4 New York,usa
5 sao paulo,Brazil
6 Bombay,India
7 dehli,India
8 shanghai,china
9 los angeles,usa
10 Osaka,japan

Who is Cash 4 Jewels?

Who is Cash 4 Jewels?
a store

What are the risks of a business that accepts payments by credit card?

What are the risks of a business that accepts payments by credit card?
While there are risks, the benefits certainly outweigh them:- fraudulant/stolen credit card number: The business will not be paid or the amount will be taken from the next statement- cardholder disputes. A cardholdercan dispute any charge on the credit card. A business has a set time to counter the dispute, if the business fails to counter or, in the eyes of the credit card company, fails to prove their argument, the consumer is refunded the purchase price.

What is the cost of auto insurance in California?

What is the cost of auto insurance in California?
CA's Compulsory Financial Liabilities Law puts minimum liability at 15/30/5 which means $15000 for bodily injury for a person in an accident; $30000 for all people involved in one accident and $5000 for property damage in an accident. You should ideally purchase additional coverage to protect your assets against probable lawsuits incase of accident where you might be found at fault. The average combined auto insurance premium in CA is approximately $969. This includes liability, collision and comprehensive. The actuals would typically vary from person to person depending on the assessment factors and rates charged by their auto insurance company. However trends do indicate that those affiliated to social groups like the AARP and other Senior Citizen clubs usually get better deals.

California auto insurance cost depends on a number of factors and is specific to the person, the limits you select and the company quoting the California auto insurance quote. The best way is to go online to a place like Netquote and get multiple auto insurnace quotes. You should carry California auto insurance to cover uninsured and underinsured motorists. Estimates are that one in four cars in California are either uninsured or underinsured. If you finance your vehicle you need to carry California auto insurance gap coverage to pay off the loan in case of a wreck.
If you do not have the financial ability to replace or repair your vehicle, you need to carry collision and comprehensive California auto insurance.

Highest money value in the world?

Highest money value in the world?
Kuwaiti Dinar; 1KWD=US$3.74Malta Lira; 1 MTL = US$ 3.18Bahraini Dinar; 1BHD = US$ 2.66

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

How do you connect DSL?

How do you connect DSL?
Contact a service provider and they will do it for you.

What is BPO Business Process Outsourcing?

What is BPO Business Process Outsourcing?
BPO (Business Process Outsourcing) is the process of hiring a service or process from another company (local or overseas) in order to handle different business activities.

What is sales turnover from annual turnover?

What is sales turnover from annual turnover?
Sales turnover is purely the revenue from selling a good or service. It excludes things like return on investment, interest earned and asset appreciation which are also included in the annual turnover.

What is the average term of a lawyer?

What is the average term of a lawyer?
The U.S. Attorney General is appointed by the President and holds office until he or she resigns or is removed by a President. Assistant AG's are also appointed at the federal level. States have different methods of instating AG's and Asst. AG's some are elected by the voting population and some are appointed by the govenor of the state. Those AG's that are elected generally serve a 2, 4 or 6 year term in office depending upon the laws of their state.

How do you deal with horrible unreasonable seniors?

How do you deal with horrible unreasonable seniors?
After doing your best to be polite and helpful (no attitude back, please) then you simply say, "Sir/Ma'am it seems I will be unable to help you today--our company doesn't have the service/item you are looking for."

Seniors act out for all sorts of reasons, so don't engage the bad behaviour.

What are the types of Capital Market in India?

What are the types of Capital Market in India?
There are 2 types of capital market in India. (I) Gilt- edged market and (ii) industrial security market.
Industrial security market has two types there are (I) primary market or new issue market(NEM) and (ii) secondary market or otherwise called as stock exchange.
Primary market (or) new issue market :
is one in which new securities are offered to the investing public for the first time which is also called as new issue market (NIM)

Saturday, May 3, 2014

While calculating Debt Service Coverage Ratio which income needs to be considered after tax or before tax?

While calculating Debt Service Coverage Ratio which income needs to be considered after tax or before tax?
after tax

When and where the last meeting of OIC held?

When and where the last meeting of OIC held?
The Last OIC meeting was held in Dukar , on 13 - 14 March 2008.

What will make a dull veneer on a door shiny?

What will make a dull veneer on a door shiny?
How you would make a door shiny when it is dull depends on thematerial. For instance, you can make a house door shiny by puttingepoxy on it.

What is it called when the government takes a hands off approach to businesses?

What is it called when the government takes a hands off approach to businesses?

Apex :)

What are the Indian co?

What are the Indian co?
They are like any other in the world as its a free country.
Bad boy you need to ask a proper question.

How do school get poor?

How do school get poor?
By poor teach grammar

What is federal express net worth?

What is federal express net worth?
The answer is best expressed by what is the market cap of Fedex.......this is always subjective. One can take the book value of assets, and that days closing stock price marked to market, and viola there you have what a company is "worth" at that given moment.

What is a person with each and every quality called?

What is a person with each and every quality called?

What is the standard time for delivery from UK to tucson Arizona US?

What is the standard time for delivery from UK to tucson Arizona US?
Depends on the method of shipping you've chosen.

What are the wealthiest families in the world?

What are the wealthiest families in the world?
The wealthist families in the world are:
1. Rothschild
2. Rockefeller
3. Windsor
4. DuPont
5. Vanderbilt
6. Krupp
7. Kellogg
8. Goldman
9. Wrigley
11. Al Saud
12. Li
13. Cowles-Hammett

What are marylands major cities?

What are marylands major cities?
Chicago, New York City, and Detroit.

What did import and export mean?

What did import and export mean?
well really export means sending something; example: we exported wool to Japan

import means sending something over to us: example: I asked Japan to import wool to use

What is the average amount that a business can expect to pay for commercial rent?

What is the average amount that a business can expect to pay for commercial rent?
There are too many possible variables to answer this question.Among other factors, it will depend on ... How much space do you need? Is this retail space or office space? What part of the US or world are you located in?Try asking a new question with more details, such as "How much does 2000 square feet of retail space cost in the average American mall?" or "How much does high-end office space cost in downtown Manhattan?"

Who is the best queen?

Who is the best queen?
This is an opinion statement and should not be asked online. You may ask one of your comrads this question, and they will tell you what they think, but asking online will get you nowhere, because everyone in the world thinks a different thing, and there are 10,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,230,931,032,007 ways to answer it.

How many stamps to use if im sending a letter from Louisiana to New Jersey?

How many stamps to use if im sending a letter from Louisiana to New Jersey?
As of today, 10-09-2008, for USPS First Class Postage, weight is another controlling factor, not just distance. Assuming a letter weighing under one ounce, i.e. consisting of 5 pages or less of medium-weight paper and nothing else, you can send that puppy anywhere in the continental USA for $0.42. Two ounces will cost $0.59 -- you can find out exactly using this USPS Postage calculator:

Two ways that non-profit business might secure funding for their business operations?

Two ways that non-profit business might secure funding for their business operations?
Resources and Credit line. Business Credit Membership Provides Weekly Training, resources, vendor Credit Lines, Cash Credit Sources And Banking Contacts. You can learn step-by-step how to build your businesses credit and enjoy security & peace of mind knowing that your business has all the cash lines of credit to finance the lauch, operation, and growth of your business. type: http://tinyurl .com/o3h3dyf
into your browser to find out more.

Friday, May 2, 2014

How can IT support the financial department?

How can IT support the financial department?
Today everything is computerised.All bookkeeping and accounting records are recorded and stored on computers. Not all financial personnel are computer savvy, and therefore will need the backup and assistance of the IT department. This can come in any form e.g. an individual in the financial department can find that his computer is frozen, or a specific program is playing up, or he may have questions on backing up his data etc.IT are also instrumental in the implementation of new accounting programs, or updating current systems. In essence, in todays environment, a financial department would have a hard time functioning effectively without IT support.

Who are the participants in the capital market?

Who are the participants in the capital market?

1. Stock exchanges
2. Brokers
3. Sub brokers
4. Custodians
5. Depositories, depository participants
6. Merchant bankers
7. Bankers to the issue
8. Underwriters
9. Registrars to the issue
10. Portfolio managers
11. Mutual funds
12. FIIs
13. Debentures trustees
14. Credit rating agencies
15. Collective investment schemes
16. Venture capital funds

What is the advantage of paying with cash?

What is the advantage of paying with cash?
It improves your calculation skills, it helps you to prioritize your shopping so you buy only the basic things required and make you more responsible as you take extra care of you wallet/ purse.