Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Do you deserve to be better off than you are?

Do you deserve to be better off than you are?
Lol I came up on this question filling out a job application. Its pretty much a dumb and vague question I think. Another way of putting it is "Do you think you deserve better than what u'r getting/doing now?" Basically it could mean two things... U think u deserve better, so ur not happy with what u have OR it could just mean you want better... kinda a trick question. I took it as the first one(Deserve better/not happy with what u have) Sooo i put disagree lol since I'm totally happy w everything going on and whatnot. If your tryin to answer this for a job app. also, I would put somethin that's in between if u still arn't sure. Hope I helped you out just a little bit atleast. :) Good Luck!!

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